Mrs. Whitehead First Grade
Welcome to First Grade! Thank you for coming tonight. I want to tell you about myself and a little about first grade.
All About Me I grew up overseas – Germany and Israel. I now live in Fort Worth with my husband, Jeff (he teaches 7th grade in Keller ISD). I love to teach, read, and travel.
My Goals To give my students the academic and social skills they will need to progress to second grade. To provide a supportive and safe classroom environment. To help each child make new friends and discover new interests.
Integrated Curriculum Topics we cover will be discussed throughout our day. Social Studies will not just happen in a small block of time – it will occur throughout the day. This is a critical time for first graders to get an overview of how everything connects.
Phonetic Rule - not traditional memorization Language Arts Daily 5 Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Word Work Listen to Reading Writer’s Workshop Spelling Phonetic Rule - not traditional memorization
Math Investigations Critical Thinking Manipulatives Math games Go over math manipulatives for home, math box, and math homework
Science Investigations Science Journaling Critical Thinking
Social Studies Citizenship Geography History Economics
Communication Weekly Newsletter Binder Website Call me / e-mail me anytime Conferences Go over binder at this point
Grading in First Grade Standards Based Report Card Data Folders no report card for the first six weeks Data Folders DRA Sight word progress Math assessments Science assessments Spelling test graphs
BISD Policy on Birthdays No invitations passed out at school No flowers, balloons, or corsages passed out to student on birthday at school No birthday party for individual students at school Mention that they can pass out birthday invitations after school
Homework The most important homework in first grade is reading! Please read with your child each night. Practice spelling rule for a few minutes each night. Math games will be sent home periodically to reinforce skills learned in class. FunPacks Show an example of a FunPack
Discipline Coins Class marble jar Loss of privileges Logical consequence Folder signs Sent to another classroom / office
I always need volunteers! read with students computer lab art lessons field trips
Field Trips If you plan on joining us for field trips, you must fill out the appropriate form online. I have that available on my computer tonight. Please take care of this so you don’t forget later.
Scholastic Book Orders I will send home Scholastic book orders each month unless we have a book fair that month. Please consider purchasing, even if it is just the $1 book, as I earn points with each order. Please let me know if the books are as a gift / surprise so I give them to you and not your child when they come in.
First Grade Shirts We order shirts as a grade level. They are $11 each – please send $11 to help fund them. If you are able to help purchase one for someone else, that would be greatly appreciated. We will wear these shirts for field trips, science hat parade, field day, etc. The shirts will stay at school until the last time we need them. Please fill out the form tonight if possible.
From Mr. Drysdale Please do not drop your child off before 7:30 a.m. Please join PTA ($6.50). You may only take your own child to the courtyard for lunch. New hours may affect bus riders – getting home later Ask if there are any questions