Welcome to Mrs. Costello’s First Grade Class
Get To Know Mrs. Costello…..
Classroom Connections Classroom updates Information about learning activities & important dates Homework Folders Please keep homework books in homework folders. Please initial homework books each night Check & return folders everyday At-Home Reading calendar Sight word challenge Wednesday Folders Contains important papers May not come home every week Return every Thursday-PLEASE do not place any papers etc. In the white envelope. Use the homework folder. Assessment Folder Will be sent home periodically for review and parent signatures
Policies & Procedures Attendance Personal Belongings Snack\Water Catcher Lunch Dismissal Birthdays/Invitations Weather Appropriate Dress
Birthday wishes Create a picture slideshow or poster to share with the class* Wear slippers for the day Guest reader! Enjoy a birthday dance from your class – Just Dance Bring in something that you are proud of and share it with the class Pick a classroom spirit day in your honor! *Must be teacher-approved (prior class favorite) Bring a stuffed animal to school Any other ideas – Email me!
Homework Homework Policy Your job as parents Communicate HW problems & struggles Check that homework is completed carefully Set up an appropriate place to do homework Encourage independent reading
“Warm and Fuzzies” Titus Paws For PRIDE Classroom Management “Warm and Fuzzies” Titus Paws For PRIDE
Morning Schedule 8:15- 8:40 Morning Work 8:40 – 8:50 Morning Math Meeting 8:50- 9:15 Shared reading 9:15 – 10:15 Guided Reading 10:15– 10:45 Language Arts 10:45 – 10:55 Snack 10:55 – 12:05 Math
Afternoon Schedule 1:10 – 1:45 Word work. Poetry, Spelling 12:05 – 1:10 Recess and Lunch 1:10 – 1:45 Word work. Poetry, Spelling 1:45 – 2:25 Specials 2:30-3:10 Science, Social Studies/writing 3:10 - 3:35 Dismissal
Specials Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – Music Wednesday – Phys. Ed. Thursday – Library Friday- Quest
Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology Click on the camera for a 1:34 video that gives an overview of QUEST. This will take you to the QUEST website. Be sure speakers are on and you play full screen. If parents want more information on this program, they can visit the website at www.cbsd.org/QUEST.
Reading Word Wall Shared Reading Guided Reading Centers Read Aloud Poetry Read at Home Fill in those Reading Logs!
Read at Home! Scholastic Book Catalogs Independent Reading Calendar
Writer’s Workshop Daily writing mini-lessons Journal Writing/weekend report Words Their Way Handwriting Mentor Sentences
Everyday Math Spiral Repeated exposure to skills Practice and review EM Games Online www.everydaymathonline.com XtraMath www.XtraMath.org
Science Social Studies My School Weather Collecting & Examining Life Solid, Liquid, Gas My School My Family My Community
Volunteers Needed!! Grade specific volunteers Clerical help Class specific volunteers Checking Journals Reading with students Working with small groups Please email me if interested!
Science Fun Day Friday, April 21, 2017– mark your calendars! Science experiments are completely run by the parents An exciting day-long event for all the students that wouldn’t happen without all of our parent volunteers Our SFD Assembly – The Franklin Institute Traveling Science Show Thank you to Home & School! Interested in volunteering? Sign-up tonight to receive more information at a later date!
Race for Education SAVE THE DATE! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016 One and done fundraiser All day event Prizes for students who bring in labels SAVE THE DATE! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2016
Thank you! Contact Me Class Webpage www.cbsd.org/lcostello lcostello@cbsd.org Class Webpage www.cbsd.org/lcostello On your way out…feel free to take a Titus Tiger Paw if you would like to donate some items on our wish list!