How wi-Fi and Li-Fi are applied in medical environment Hospitals + Li-Fi street_Light Reema Ahmad Dr.Wael Mardini Dr.Mohammad Saleh
Outlines wi-Fi in the medical field(environment) Wi-Fi flowchart Wi-Fi benefits and consideration in this field Li-Fi in medical Li-Fi architecture and infrastructure Li-Fi advantage and in term of MRI scanner Li-Fi limitation Li-Fi in street Light
Wi-Fi with the medical environment It is applied for the patient monitoring in term of the bedside and ease of patient mobility. Its benefits are in term of the cost of staying on the hospital for a long time. Its challenge is it is applied by wearable sensors deals with RF that required a battery and wearable for a long time (*).
Wi-Fi flowchart
Wi-Fi flowchart (cont.)
Wi-Fi benefits extend the monitoring space to accommodate whatever amount of patients. increase the reliability: that it is evaluated with other existing network that is proved in term of the reliability. recover the unexpected events (example of the heart patient dieses and the nurse of the cardiac trained)
Consideration with Wi-Fi When design the Wi-Fi must be include best WAP, IP addressing and QoS. Fault tolerance (capable for detect and solve the errors). Dealing with interference. reliable. scalable. two way communication. cost effective.
Li-Fi in hospitals One of the major Wi-Fi challenges is the affect of the RF on the human body especially in the hospital domain. This challenge is solved by using the new emerging technology which called “Li-Fi”. It uses the light instead of the RF for transmitting the data and it is specially used in the procures rooms.
Li-Fi structure
Li-Fi architecture
Li-Fi in Hospitals
advantages it is safer than the Wi-Fi It is secure since it doesn’t penetrate the wall. It doesn’t require more cost like the Wi-Fi. Its cost as electricity is smaller than RF in Wi-Fi. it can’t transmit any electromagnetic interference that affect the medical instruments and the MPI scanners.
Li-Fi with MRI scanners the doctors in MRI room can do the following: Do the MRI monitor the patient’s status Using the Li-Fi can reduce the amount of RF that is used which affect with the MRI and monitoring instruments in this room (*). This benefit can be demonstrated as: 1)The availability of the light in this room. 2) it has 10,000 times spectrum of Wi-Fi.
Limitations It doesn’t remove the RF but it replace it when it deal with the hospital by light to reduce the affect of RF not to remove it . It is line of sight. its transmission of data can be stopped for any reason or any interference so it require more secure protocol to secure the data.
Consideration When applying the Li-Fi, the application as hospital must contain: LED photo detector controller to control the data between the sender and receiver.
Outperforming of Li-Fi compared with all previous technologies
How Li-Fi is applied in the street Light?
Cont. There is an LED bulb and mobile devices and cars. Power Line Communication is used to allow the LED bulb receiving the data via light pulses. There are Zigbee, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is integrated with Li-Fi (*). Since LED receive the data, it transmit to the users’ mobiles and the cars to communicate with each other.
Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array FBGA can work as a modulator at LED is used on the street Light that can accommodate a large amount of data to be transmit to the users.