22nd March 2017 Louise O’Callaghan Subject Choice 22nd March 2017 Louise O’Callaghan
Overview of Presentation Guidance on subject selection New points system from 2017 Third level entry requirements and subject requirements for further study after Leaving Cert Subject choice process in Dominican College
Leaving Certificate Programme 4 compulsory core subjects Maths, English, Irish, French or German 3 elective additional subjects The Science Group The Business Group The Social and Humanities Group The Arts 1 optional additional subject LCVP Might do an info-graphic for this slide
3 Elective Additional Subjects The Science Group Biology Chemistry Physics The Business Group Business Accounting Social and Humanities Group Geography History Home Economics The Arts Group Art Music If a student has not taken a subject at JC it may not be possible to take it up for LC, for example ART or Music – important to discuss with the teacher Ms Kerrigan / Ms McTernan in the school and if you are involved in the subject area outside school, for example you play an instrument, sing, paint. If a student did not study Home Ec for the JC it is possible to take it as a LC subject
Science subjects Approximately 200 courses out of 1400 require a science subject UCAS have very specific requirements regarding science subjects If a student does not want to study science, there are plenty of third level courses open to them, but not in the science or healthcare area.
Courses which require a science subject Health and Performance (Sports Science) Medicine / Dentistry Pharmacy Radiography Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Nursing Engineering in some universities While some courses accept any science subect there are other that look a specific grade in a specific science subject.
Two science subjects Physiotherapy Pharmacy Dentistry in TCD and UCC Veterinary Medicine Some medicine entry courses, except NUIG, RCSI, UCD, where only one science subject is required for entry to their 6 year medical programmes.
Business subjects Students choose a business subject based on interest at JC, ability and future career aspirations Students should be getting a good C at JC to pursue these subjects A business subject (Business or Accounting) is rarely an essential requirement for business or commerce at third level Exception: Accounting is required for Commerce with Accounting in NUIG Important to be getting at least a grade C at Junior Cycle level in order to be able for it at senior level
Geography, History and Home Economics Students pick these subjects based on interest and aptitude They are not required for any specific courses There is a practical element to all three subjects – 20% completed in 6th year Students are welcome to take up any of these subject for the LC without having studying them for the JC These subjects can be taken up at third level without studying them for the LC
Art and Music Students generally pick Art or Music because they are good at the subject Practical element to both subjects which is completed in 6th year Advised to talk to Ms McTernan or Ms Kerrigan if wanting to take it up without having done it for the JC You can study Art and Music at third level without having studied it for the LC A portfolio is generally required for Art courses and an audition is generally required for Music courses
Interesting to note Art is generally not needed for Art and Design courses, but a portfolio may be required Business or Accounting are generally not required for Business courses, but Maths may be Music courses generally require an audition, but not the LC subject Music General subjects like History or Geography can be taken up at third level without doing them for the LC
Factors which influence subject choice Interest in the subject Aptitude in the subject Role of friends / parents / siblings Perceived as being ‘easy’ or ‘hard’ Relationship with teachers at Junior Cycle Requiring the subject for college course / career choice after the Leaving Cert
Consequences of poor subject choice Student likely to be unhappy Student unlikely to maximise potential Not having a subject they may need for course of choice after school May want to change subject in 5th year
CAO Points System Points are allocated to the six best grades of an applicant These grades must be achieved in one sitting of the LC All subjects carry equal points except LCVP and HL Maths The points level varies from year to year – applicants and places Only when Minimum and Specific Entry Requirements have been met do points accumulated come into play to decide who gets a place on a course NOTE – Though Minimum Entry Requirements may state that you need Irish or English etc that does not mean that you must count it as one of the 6 subjects for points
New Points System from 2017 Higher Level Grade Ordinary Level Grade H1 (90-100) O1 (90-100) H2 (80 < 89) O2 (80 < 89) H3 (70 < 79) O3 (70 < 79) H4 (60 < 69) O4 (60 < 69) H5 (50 < 59) O5 (50 < 59) H6 (40 < 49) O6 (40 < 49) H7 (30 < 39) O7 (30 < 39) H8 (0 < 29) O8 (0 < 29)
LC Points Calculation Grid HL Maths 25 bonus points will continue be awarded in 2017 at grades H6 and above NEW: In HL grades from 30%- 40% 37 points will be awarded
Entry Requirements to Higher Education Institutes Minimum Entry Requirements Specific Entry Requirements (Specific subject requirement and may also involve interview, audition, portfolio etc) Points EXAMPLE: Nursing in NUIG will require: 2H5 and 4O6/H7 (Include Irish, English, Maths) A science subject 445* points Choice of subjects now may determine 3rd level and career options in two years time
Examples of Specific Subject Requirements H5 in Irish – Primary School Teaching H5 in Maths – Some Engineering and Computer Science degrees No Maths requirement for some Arts and Law degrees (NUI colleges) Third language requirement for entry to NUI colleges (except for Nursing, Engineering and Science degrees) One laboratory science subject required for most science / healthcare related courses Irish useful for entry to the guards No Maths requirement for some Arts and Law degrees (NUI colleges) Third language requirement for entry to NUI colleges (except for Nursing, Engineering and Science degrees) UL, Trinity and DCU will accept Irish and / or european language Study Maths at the highest level you can
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) A two year programme designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the traditional LC Two Link Modules: Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education Students are assessed through a combination of portfolio items (60%) and written examination (40%) Different grading system: Distinction – 80 to 100% = 66 points Merit – 65 to 79% = 46 points Pass – 50 to 64% = 28 points
Eligibility to take LCVP Must study 5 LC subjects (one of which must be Irish unless Department of Education exempt) plus the Link Modules A recognised course in a Modern European Language Two qualifying vocational subject groupings as set out by the Dept of Education and Skills All qualifying subjects must be studied in school Preparation for the WoW – research and investigate local employment opportunities, develop job seeking skills such as CV prep, interview techniques and work experience Enterprise Education – students will be involved in organising visits to local businesses and community enterprises, undertake interesting activities that will help them develop self-confidence, IT skills, creativity and initiative
LCVP - Vocational Subject Groupings Home Economics and Biology Home Economics and Art Home Economics and Business Home Economics and Accounting Accounting and Business Physics and Chemistry Biology and Chemistry Biology and Physics Art and Business Art and Accounting Music and Business Music and Accounting
Advice on Subject Choice: Do what comes naturally – relate to aptitude Choose subjects for enjoyment Check course requirements – changes from year to year Students need to know the difference between ‘Required’ and ‘Useful’ subjects Seek advice from guidance counsellors, teachers, friends, parents / guardians and students in 5th and 6th year Don’t choose a subject because a friend is doing it, because it’s an easy option, because it looks good, without researching it thoroughly. Be realistic about ability and possible future choice Everyone wants to get the best out of their leaving cert – easier to study a subject if it is enjoyed 6. Ultimately the student will have to take responsibility for their choice and their education
General Advice If your daughter is not sure what she wants to do in the future, pick a broad range of subjects: EXAMPLE: Sinead has no idea at the moment 4 core + 1 science + 1 business + 1 humanities If your daughter is sure that she wants to study in a specific area after school then research the minimum and specific entry requirements carefully EXAMPLE: Mary wants to study Pharmacy 4 core + 1 or 2 Science + free choice Reiterate the levels and that the specific subject requirements may vary
Role of the Parent / Guardian Help your daughter explore her interests and assess her capabilities Explore career and educational options together Help your daughter set challenging but achievable career goals Encourage your child to 'try on' careers by volunteering or through work experience or job-shadowing opportunities
Ensuring good subject choice Students are being shown how to research and encouraged to do as much research as possible – not all of them do it! Do research yourself – excellent resources available – see handout Be realistic – if a student did not like or excel at a subject at JC why would that change at LC?
Procedure around Subject Choice Students will be given a form asking them to indicate what 5 subjects they want to study in genuine order of preference This stage of the process is important to ensure as many students as possible get their preferred three subjects Signed subject form must be returned to Mr O’Doherty by 05/04/2017
Resources Qualifax (Irish courses and Minimum Subject Requirements) UCAS (UK and Northern Ireland) Careers Portal (What to Study / Leaving Cert Subjects CAO website Examinations.ie Curriculumonline.ie Friends Teachers