The BIG QUESTION: How can you explain the sequence of the progression and regression of Charlie’s emotional and social intelligence throughout the novel?
Flowers for Algernon 10 20 30 40 50 BIG QUESTION Characters Post Surgery BIG QUESTION Pre- Surgery Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50
10 What character started off slowest at the mazes? Charlie MENU What character started off slowest at the mazes? Charlie 2) Algernon Category 1 - 10 3) Donner 4) Alice 10 5) Nemur
20 Which character dreamed of owning a barber shop? Burt 2) Rose MENU Which character dreamed of owning a barber shop? Burt 2) Rose Category 1 - 20 3) Norma 4) Matt 20 5) Minnie
Who asked Mr. Donner to look after Charlie? 30
Who asked Mr. Donner to look after Charlie? 30
MENU His uncle, Herman 30
Who is a blustery guy who. feels inferior when Charlie Who is a blustery guy who feels inferior when Charlie talks to him in an intellectual way? 40
MENU Proffesor Nemur 40
Who encouraged Charlie to begin writing down progress reports with his thoughts and feelings? 50
MENU Dr. Strauss 50
How does Charlie react when. Alice puts his torn books into How does Charlie react when Alice puts his torn books into a neat pile? Category 1 - 10 10
10 He becomes extremely angry and shouts at her to leave. MENU Category 1 - 10 10
20 Where does Charlie go when him and Algernon escape from the crowd at the convention in Chicago? Category 1 - 20 20
MENU A hotel room back in New York. Category 1 - 20 20
What two things does Charlie. say are “the most wonderful What two things does Charlie say are “the most wonderful things a man can have?” 30
What two things does Charlie. say are “the most wonderful What two things does Charlie say are “the most wonderful things a man can have?” 30
MENU intelligence and love. 30
Why does Charlie need to visit the Warren Home? 40
MENU He wants to see how the residents are treated in case he is sent there when his intelligence fails. 40
Why does Charlie and many. other characters think that in Why does Charlie and many other characters think that in some ways he was better off before the operation? 50
MENU He did not know others made fun of him, and he was much kinder compared to the new self-centered genius. 50
What happens to Charlie’s. emotional state when he found What happens to Charlie’s emotional state when he found out his friends always made fun of him? 10
MENU It regresses. 10
What group of people did. Charlie want to engage in What group of people did Charlie want to engage in conversations with early after surgery? 20
MENU College kids. 20
After the surgery, what did. Charlie realize his mother was After the surgery, what did Charlie realize his mother was doing to him? 30
MENU Abusing him to “protect” Norma. 30
40 Reorder this sequence of events. Love with Fay and Alice. Charlie’s surgery. Flashbacks of family and friends. Escape with Algernon. 40
MENU Surgery, Flashbacks, Escape, Love. 40
How does Charlie immediately. feel/react when he caught How does Charlie immediately feel/react when he caught Gimpy stealing money from the bakery? CONGRATULATIONS 50
How does Charlie immediately. feel/react when he caught How does Charlie immediately feel/react when he caught Gimpy stealing money from the bakery? 50
MENU He doesn’t know how to feel and asks Alice what is right. 50
10 Welberg Foundation 2) Beekman College Center 3) Warren State Home MENU What school did Charlie attend for mentally retarded adults? Welberg Foundation 2) Beekman College Center 3) Warren State Home 4) Donner’s Bakery 10
20 Around where was Charlie Gordons IQ before the surgery? 70 2) 60 MENU Around where was Charlie Gordons IQ before the surgery? 70 2) 60 3) 80 4) 50 20
Who does Charlie believe are. his best friends until he Who does Charlie believe are his best friends until he became a genius? (at least 2) 30
MENU Joe Carp, Gimpy, and Frank Reilly. 30
Which character gave the doctors permission to carry out the surgery? 40
Which character gave the doctors permission to carry out the surgery? 40
MENU Norma 40
Spell the scientific term for the. test Charlie failed and Spell the scientific term for the test Charlie failed and questioned the validilty of. 50
MENU Rorschach test 50
How Did Charlie’s writing change throughout the novel?. 10
MENU He learned proper grammar and spelling techniques. 10
Was Charlie more socially isolated before or after the surgery? 20
MENU After. Charlie figures out that people acted toward him with feelings of superiority and he begins to isolate himself. 20
How did the doctors’ opinions on Charlie change after the surgery? 30
MENU They began to care about him less and were frustrated he was harming their fame. 30
Why did Charlie feel like he was being teased during the inkblot test? 40
MENU He could not see anything. He only saw spilled ink. 40
What is a word that Charlie. spelled wrong. Spell it that What is a word that Charlie spelled wrong? Spell it that way and then correctly. 50
MENU Answers may vary. 50