The Spanish American War (1898)
Spanish suppression of Cuban revolt High U.S. import tariffs on sugar (40%) and resentment of Spanish rule led to 1895 revolt Spanish became a threat to U.S. investments ($50 million)
Sinking of the Battleship Maine February 15, 1898: 266 sailors were killed when Maine explodes, attributed to Spanish mine, explosion was accidental “Remember the Maine” became the cry for revenge against Spain Jingoism: aggressive, threatening patriotism
Congress appropriates $50 million for war Yellow Journalism: sensational stories and pictures which exaggerated and distorted events for emotional effect
April 1898: McKinley asks Congress for a declaration of war Congress approves Teller Amendment: promises U.S. will not annex Cuba
The Cuban Front: The Rough Riders Cavalry unit organized by Teddy Roosevelt Diverse unit: members from western frontier, colleges in East, African Americans
Battle of San Juan Hill: July 1, 1898 – heavily fortified position seized Establishes Teddy Roosevelt as war hero
The Philippine Front: Commodore George Dewey Leave Chinese base for Philippines Battle of Manila Bay destroyed Spanish fleet
Treaty of Paris – December 10, 1898 Spain withdraws from and recognizes independence of Cuba U.S. receives Puerto Rico, Guam and Philippines Spain receives $420 million from U.S. Cost: 5,000 U.S. dead (only 400 KIA, rest died due to infection and disease)
U.S. Possessions after Spanish American War
Philippine Occupation and Resistance Philippine freedom fighter – Emilio Aguinaldo led uprising against U.S. War ends in 1901 with capture of Aguinaldo Cost: 4,000 U.S. KIA and 16,000 Philippine KIA Granted independence in 1946
“All That You Need is Backbone” – Chicago Chronicle What does the man sitting at the table represent? What is the man sitting at the table doing? Who is the man represented as the waiter? What are the four choice on the bill of fare? How are the four islands portrayed?
“An Expanding Nation” Who is the large man in the center? What does he represent? Who is tailor? What do the stripes on his pants represent? Who are the people offering medicine? What do you think the medicine represents?