Class 8 have been learning about keeping healthy. by Harvey Church Healthy Living Class 8 have been learning about keeping healthy. by Harvey Church
Contents A balanced diet Bones Organs of the body Muscles Exercise of the body Pulse rate investigation Teeth The eye
Food plate
Organs of the body These are the important organs of your body. You need to look after these organs every day.
Heart Your heart has a very special job, it pumps blood all around your body even when you’re asleep.
Lungs Lungs help us breathe all through the day. Your lungs are like big air sacks in your body.
Skeleton Our skeleton holds us up and supports our body. If we didn’t have a skeleton we’d be a big floppy bag. This is a child’s skeleton SPOOKY AND SCARY!
Skull The skull protects our brain.
Intestines and stomach Food travels through your intestines until you have to go to the toilet. All the goodness is absorbed on this journey. Your stomach holds the food that you’ve eaten throughout the day.
This is your liver Your liver cleans toxins out of your body.
Spine Your spine is your back bone, it helps you to walk and stand up straight.
Exercise This is Nathan running, he looks very tired doing this. We took our pulse rate prior to exercise then took it again afterwards. Our pulse rate had increased. This proved that our heart had to work harder to supply the muscles with oxygen.
Pulse Rate Results from pulse rates Before exercise After exercise (10secs) (min) (10secs) (min) These are pulse rates from pupils in Class 8. We took our pulse rates before we went out to do P.E. and then after.
Muscles help you push, lift and pull heavy objects like bricks and tables.
Blood Cells We have lots and lots of blood cells in our entire body we have red and white blood cells in our body.
Brain BRAIN Our brain is the control centre of our body. If some thing is hot our brain tells us to take our hand off but if something is cold our brain says it’s alright.
Teeth Teeth are not bones because they do not have any marrow in them. We have molars, incisors and canines. Don’t forget to clean them every morning and every night!!!!!! Your text here
Bones We have all kinds of bones there are Ribs, Metacarpals, the Pelvis and lots of others. An adult has 206 bones in their whole body. This is a Pelvis, Ribs and Metacarpals.
Eyes Your pupils get smaller when you look up at really bright light. They get larger when you’re in the dark because there is not much light at night.
Hope you have a healthy life This is what we have been learning about in Class 8 through the first half term in our new school.