Water Booster Station Improvement Study


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Presentation transcript:

Water Booster Station Improvement Study Laura Barraza, P.E. May 31, 2017

Project Background The 2015 Water Facilities Master Plan recommended a detailed evaluation for small Pressure Zones with large storage needs. Standard criteria results in increased storage for Emergency and Fire Flows. Potential to introduce water age and water quality issues due to minimal Operational Storage needs. 10 Pressure Zones have been identified as having the potential for water quality issues. This Study will develop, evaluate, and compare alternatives to the recommended tank storage improvements to ensure solutions are not impacting water quality.

Tank Criteria Used in Master Plan Storage Criteria is based on three components: Operational Storage Based on demands in the Zone Fire Storage Based on land use within the Zone Emergency Storage Based on eight hours of supply outage For most Pressure Zones, the Standard Criteria functions as expected. However, when the Fire Storage and/or Emergency Storage volume is significantly larger than the Operational Storage needs, the tank turnover rates can be relatively low resulting in water quality issues. Fire Emergency Operational

Study Objectives Provide detailed evaluations/recommendations for 10 identified small Pressure Zones. Provide other alternatives for improvements that meet water quality objectives and provide the necessary Operational, Emergency, and Fire Flow requirements within a Pressure Zone. Integrate the results of this Study into the District’s on-going capital planning efforts.

Consultant Selection RFP released to five engineering firms Received three proposals Proposals reviewed by: Planning Engineering Water Operations

Consultant Selection Summary Engineering Firm Technical Proposal Rating Base Proposal (1) Ranking Black & Veatch 8.06 $ 269,348 2 Kennedy/Jenks 9.13 $ 213,492 1 RMC 7.43 $ 244,631 3 (1) Fees for base proposal only and do not include optional tasks. Review Panel: Brian Powell, Director of Groundwater Management & Facilities Planning Khos Ghaderi, Director of Water Operations Greg Kowalski, Senior Civil Engineer Laura Barraza, Senior Civil Engineer

Recommendation Approve and Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants to Prepare the Water Booster Station Improvement Study in the Amount of $213,492; and Appropriation in the amount of $266,800 to fund the Project.

Contact Information Laura Barraza, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer (951) 928-3777 Ext. 4228 Email: barrazal@emwd.org