WHAT IS STRESS? Threat, challenge, change Stressor = any situation or activity that has physical, mental or emotional demands 5 categories of Stressors:
STRESSORS Environmental Stressors Biological Stressors Thinking Stressors Behavioral Stressors Life Change Stressors
STRESSORS Environmental Natural disasters Temperatures, too hot or too cold Power outages Flooding Pollutants
STRESSORS Biological Injury Illness
STRESSORS Thinking School! Debt Difficult Decisions
STRESSORS Behavior Arguing Negative behaviors
STRESSORS Life changes Minority stress Deaths, births Wedding(s), divorce(s) Move to new residence, country Minority stress Race, ethnicity Gender, disability Immigrant status
Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACEs Traumatic, adverse experiences in childhood 10 ACEs Four or more ACEs = guaranteed illness, disease, early death UNLESS YOU CHOOSE to use positive coping behaviors/strategies
Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACEs Abuse 1. Emotional (share examples) 2. Sexual (share examples) 3. Physical (share examples)
Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACEs Neglect 4. Emotional (share examples) 5. Physical (share examples)
Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACEs 6. Domestic violence in household 7. Substance abuse in household 8. Mentally ill parent
Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACEs 9. Incarcerated parent 10. Separated/divorced parents Everyone usually experiences 1-2 ACEs in childhood. Seek support for 4+ ACEs!
STRESS RESPONSES Physical Stress Breathing speeds up Heart beats faster Muscles get tense Pupils dilate Digestion slows Blood sugar increases
STRESS RESPONSE CONTINUED Emotional and Behavioral Response Eustress (Positive Stress) energizes, helps reach a goal, makes you feel alert, lively Distress (Negative Stress) makes you feel sick, keeps you from reaching a goal, keeps you from performing at your best Signs YOU are stressed:
SICKNESS AND STRESS: GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME Alarm Stage- alert body/mind, “fight or flight” response, all efforts focused on responding to demand Resistance Stage- body more resistant to disease and stress, body can cope for awhile Exhaustion Stage- body cannot resist stressor anymore, body becomes exhausted past normal exhaustion
STRESS-RELATED DISEASE AND DISORDERS Tension Headache Cold and flu Asthma Migraine Backache Heart disease Stroke High blood pressure Chronic fatigue Ulcer Anxiety disorder Insomnia Depression
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Take Care of Yourself Learn to Relax Build Resiliency Change Your Attitude Manage Your Time
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Take Care of Yourself Proper nutrition Rejuvenating sleep Regular exercise
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Learn to Relax Relaxation breaths Progressive muscle relaxation A-Z by themes (animals, foods) Transcendental Meditation Yoga
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Build Resiliency Mental Physical Emotional Family, social support systems Recuperative sleep
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Change Your Attitude Positive! Self advocacy
5 WAYS TO MANAGE STRESS Manage Your Time Write down homework due dates Regularly check Canvas, teacher websites Daily work instead of all-nighters DON’T PROCRASTINATE!
Benefits of Stress Management Resilience! Stronger immune system! Heightened performance Longevity and productivity improve “Tough times don’t last; tough people do”
Parent Trust for WA Children Reduce toxic effects of chronic stress Stop or reduce unnecessary stress responses Improve your sense of well being Visit for Relaxation Techniques Lifestyle Strategies Cognitive Strategies