The Importance of Practicing Spirituality
Talk and Discussion The International Academy for Interfaith Studies Sponsored by The International Academy for Interfaith Studies http://interfaithacademy.or g
Review of Last Week -- 1 When your consciousness shifts, everything around you shifts, as well. Explained how to practice spiritual wisdom You ultimately become whatever you most focus on. Explained how to focus you consciousness
Review of Last Week -- 2 The more you learn, understand, and apply spiritual lessons, the more achievements you will accomplish. Explained how to strengthen your spiritual efforts. The consciousness that you bring to the table is most important in deciding how you will understand your experiences. Explained how to live more consciously.
Review of Last Week -- 3 When you give something to another person, expect nothing in return but only feel grateful for having been of service to another. The purpose of Life’s tests is to challenge a person to grow higher, greater, deeper, and stronger in spirituality and to do this you must be loving in your heart. You are meant to achieve your spiritual goals in your own way.
Review of Last Week -- 4 Explained how you should relate to spiritual guidance so that you can receive its benefits. Explained that spirituality is optimistic. Explained how one can be optimistic.
Understanding this if nothing else: spiritual freedom and Oneness with the Tao (the flow of divine perfection) are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution. Hua Hu Ching
Why Should You Practice Spirituality? By intentionally doing spiritual practices, you are actively supporting your personal growth. Growth is inherently challenging no matter how you do it, but if you work with and not against the flow of life, your progress will be smoother and more fruitful. Wanting to become more spiritual means building positive spiritual habits.
Goals of Spiritual Practice Know what you want – meaning the wisdom and guidance to go in the right direction Empowering what you want – meaning the power to move in the correct direction
You got to be careful if you do not know where you are going, because you might not get there. Yogi Berra
Practices for the Mind Contemplation – You examine what is already in your mind and you put that into order Meditation – You clear your mind so whatever you encounter you can see and understand more clearly Communion – You become inspired from you own deep, inner connection with the divine (your deeper feelings about nature) Studying – You expand your knowledge base by studying spiritual texts and teachings of the masters
Practices for the Body The state of your body influences the state of your brain. The state of your body and brain influences the state of your mind and spirit
Practices of your Spirit Spiritual and/or devotional “rituals” help you clarify your highest goals and thus find guidance for yourself The rituals depend on the person - they can be prayer, singing, walks in the park, chanting, and so on If your rituals clear your mind and allow you to think more clearly, then they are working for you Such a practice is tapping into the divine (nature) and this gives you guidance and maybe even inspiration
Practice the Right Way Be patient and gentle with yourself Do not try to be perfect as you get benefit from the effort itself What is most important in your PRACTICE is the positive attitude that you bring to it – it should not be mindless but it should be sincere
Examples of Practicing -- 1 Exercise with the intention of becoming a more complete person that expresses the divine or the best that is in life through your very being Use your willpower to improve your meditation breathing so that it invigorates your mind, body, and spirit Focus your mind on the highest (the divine) aspects of life in every moment of your existence
Examples of Practicing -- 2 Find ways to honor the divine (highest aspects of life) through your own created personal rituals that reflect your devotion and gratitude Learn to hear within yourself, your higher SELF – pay attention to that quiet small “inner” voice Understand that you show love for the divine (life) by such simple means as smiling, showing others your kindness, offering humor at the correct moments, being friendly, and demonstrating your trust in others
By Practicing You Will Reach Your Goal Where Everything You Do Is Automatically an Offering to the Divine, the Higher Self, and The Life That Is Worth Living
Keep knocking and the joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who is there. Rumi
Movie Symbolism: Shawshank Redemption Movie Plot Andy is wrongly accused of a crime and is imprisoned Friends and foes help and harm Andy Andy wins the prize of great freedom through focus, dedication, patience, and steady practice Spirituality Lessons The human predicament is that we are born free but imprisoned in the world of limited understanding Some of the most pious are the worst scoundrels and many so- called felons have the pure hearts Long term vision is important and the patience to enact that vision in spite of no immediate gains
Two Stages of Practice Purify your heart by learning to love yourself, those around you, and eventually all that life contains including everyone and the environment Follow your pure heart by acting out that love Realize that you can do both at the same time
The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. Chinese Proverb
Practice: Discipline / Flexibility Benefit: Often keeps you moving steadily forward Drawback: Eventually you will reach a plateau where rigid discipline no longer works. Maybe the rigid practice is no longer best for you. In addition, if you feel egotistical about your discipline, that could counter act the benefit of the practice Benefit: This approach intuitively taps the larger life guidance that comes from surrender and openness. Drawback: This approach can be counter productive and can even lead you to abandon you practices
Be Patient with Your Practices An impatient beginning martial arts student asked his instructor, “How long will it take me to master this art?” The teacher said, “Ten years.” The student said, “But if I work very hard, how long will it take.” The teacher said, “Twenty years.”
Select Your Practices Try them and see if it or they is the one(s) for you Give it a good chance to work for you. Choose the one(s) that resonates with you and be open to trying others Study the practice from those who already know it Move into the flow by allowing your own inner guidance decide the when, how, and how much
Let it Flow Within You The practice should become natural But this can take time The practice should be enjoyable and even ecstatic Allow yourself to adjust Work with your flow: are you a rule follower or are you more more intuitive and self-guided? – Know yourself
Doing Practicing Practices for your body Practices for your mind Include yoga, breathing exercises Practices for your mind Include meditation, contemplation, repetition of mantras, studying spiritual teachings Practices for your spirit Include rituals, prayer, chanting, singing hymns
Willpower Spiritual disciplines test and strengthen your willpower Self-control is like a muscle that you strengthen through meeting challenges with you will power In inner willpower struggles, take control by saying no to opposing desires and focus your commitment Even if you lose the battle, your efforts will bring you greater willpower strength for the next time
Practice Transforms Your Life Helps you get rid of bad habits Helps you make new, good habits
Practice Being Happy Just practice acting happy – “Fake it to you make it.” If you feel happy, it shows up in everything you do Expressing happiness outwardly effects your state of mind by creating happiness inside yourself This is not saying you should disregard your grief and anger and wear a constant, fake, plastic smile Be real by merely practicing being happy
Avoid Negativity Neutralize negative thoughts by substituting positive ones for them Raise your perspective and self-identification to a higher spiritual level where you recall everything happens for the best Study, recall, and practice spiritual lessons that help you move your mind beyond the temporary negative thoughts
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End Of the Talk Now Time for Discussion On November 1: Reincarnation – A Closer Look Following Week: Practices to Energize Your Body