Take 10 minutes to process your notes silently to: INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS CALIBRATION Take 10 minutes to process your notes silently to: Pull out the vital evidence relating to the Learning Questions Check for a descriptive voice…no judgments! Edit accordingly. Record 3 -4 pieces of vital information for each teacher on a post – it note. Teacher favored the boys, calling on them most of the time. Teacher called on 14 boys and 3 girls during the 20 minute observation. Read Chapter 7 in detail. It will guide you with more detail about the parts of the Debrief. Very Important and detailed work for the facilitator and group leaders.
INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS CALIBRATION Students respond in choral-answer format to teacher questions. Read Chapter 7 in detail. It will guide you with more detail about the parts of the Debrief. Very Important and detailed work for the facilitator and group leaders.
INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS CALIBRATION 10 minutes: As a group, rank the evidence from positive or negative in relation to the Learning Questions (3 to 4 vital pieces of evidence) (use post-it notes) Read Chapter 7 in detail. It will guide you with more detail about the parts of the Debrief. Very Important and detailed work for the facilitator and group leaders.
INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS CALIBRATION Students in the back of the class respond less frequently than those in the front. During independent work, 50% of students would look at word wall. Students respond in choral-answer format to teacher questions. Positive or warm feedback Negative or cool feedback In groups, students did not use academic vocabulary. Read Chapter 7 in detail. It will guide you with more detail about the parts of the Debrief. Very Important and detailed work for the facilitator and group leaders. Students used academic vocab from the word walls when directed by teacher. Teachers asked students to rephrase.
INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS CALIBRATION 10 minutes: Based on the warm and cool feedback, come to a consensus as a group which evidence you will share with each teacher. Pick evidence that gives them a clear picture of the student learning in the classroom and will help them reflect on next steps for improving student learning: In groups, students did not use academic vocabulary. Students used academic vocab from the word walls when directed by teacher. Read Chapter 7 in detail. It will guide you with more detail about the parts of the Debrief. Very Important and detailed work for the facilitator and group leaders. During independent work, 50% of students would look at word wall. Teachers asked students to rephrase. PHARR-SAN JUAN-ALAMO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT All materials, content and forms contained in this presentation are the intellectual property of PSJA ISD and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without PSJA ISD’s express written permission. If written permission is granted, information may be used accompanied by an acknowledgement that PSJA ISD is the source.