Its 1913 and the Prime Minister needs you to go on a top secret mission to find out how good the British Army are. The British Army have recently spent a lot of time fighting in Africa (one of our colonies). You will need to study archive footage to evaluate how the British Army can prepare and improve itself ready for the war that is sure to break out.
You will need to know a bit of background about what the British Army are up to at the moment so you can evaluate how good they are. I have prepared a special case file for you. Open it if you’re prepared to accept his second challenge.
ZULU WARS The British Army have been caught up fighting a battle in Africa. Their target has been the Zulu kingdom. The Zulu kingdom first emerged early in the nineteenth century lying along the eastern seaboard of southern Africa, Within a few years, British adventurers were attracted to Zululand in search of trade and profit, and by the 1840s a British colony – Natal - had sprung up
The British High Commissioner in South Africa, Sir Henry Bartle Frere, believed that the rich and powerful Zulu kingdom was a threat to his colony. In December 1878 he picked a quarrel with the Zulu king, Cetshwayo kaMpande, He believed that the British army would easily beat the Zulu’s . After all they only shields and spears.
TASK OBJECTIVES You will analyse the British army to find out its strengths and weaknesses You will then need to make a judgement on how good the army actually are. You will also need to evaluate recent suggestions about how the army could improve.
I have gone to great lengths to smuggle you a film reel. While watching the first clip you will need to make notes on how weak the army are. In your spy groups you will each need to share ideas and make a full list of the British Army’s weaknesses. Be careful… the enemy are all around.
You will need to make notes on the army’s strengths. Watch the next clip. You will need to make notes on the army’s strengths. In groups share your ideas so you all have a list of the main strengths of the British Army Hmm… looks like its not all bad.
You have one final part to this task. Look at the secret information in front of you. Some regiments have adopted some new reforms. The prime minister needs to know if they are any good…. You must report to him and let him know which changes are good, which are bad and whether you have any further ideas about how the army could prepare itself for a world war.
Well done, you survived again Well done, you survived again! You are either very skilled or very lucky. I suppose we will see with the third mission. However it is time to now debrief you on this mission. This mission is essential for the prime minister. It must contain an analysis of how the army are doing in the Zulu Kingdom as well as an evaluation of the new techniques. You can also suggest any further improvements you think the army will need to make. Remember - this information could save lives… As a team spend your remaining time drafting this report to help the member of your team who will be writing this up!
I suppose you are feeling rather proud of your self for getting this far. But remember spies, pride comes before a fall. The next task is the trickiest of all, you will need to use all you stealth and military knowledge. We will see if you can be a proper spy after all…..