SOL Test on Wednesday-Lab B Monday, May 13 SOL Test on Wednesday-Lab B Map Review Finish practice test Finish SOL Packet
From who did this country fight for its independence in the 1960s? France What is the name of the country? Algeria
What country is this? Israel What two groups are in conflict in this country today? Arab Muslims and Jews
What group was killed in large numbers here by the Ottomans during World War I? Armenians What term is used to describe that act? genocide
What took place at the point marked by the arrow in 1914 that had a major impact on world history? Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand What did that event lead to? Beginning of World War I
What country’s aggressive actions in these two areas led to concern for world peace in that time period? Germany What are the two countries that are shaded? Austria and Czechoslovakia Who was the leader of German at the time? Adolf Hitler
What Native American empire was located at the letter A? Aztecs Which European explorer defeated them? Cortes What is the name of that country today? Mexico
What is the name of this geographic area? Balkan Peninsula
What city is marked by the letter A? Berlin, Germany What happened there in 1961? The Berlin Wall was built What was its purpose? Keep people from communist East Germany from escaping to the west
Who was responsible for liberating countries in the shaded area from a European empire in the 1820s? Simon Bolivar From what empire were they liberated? Spain
In area D, what was the name of the situation where nationalist Chinese began attacking Europeans to drive them out in the 1800s? Boxer Rebellion What organization was formed in area A in the 1800s to fight for independence? Indian Nationalist Party From what country did they want independence? Great Britain
Which of the world religions in dominant in the shaded region? Buddhism Who was responsible for spreading Buddhism into that area? Missionaries of Asoka
Who was the leader who carried out a genocide against the educated, affluent, business leaders, and former government officials in this country in the 1970s? Pol Pot What was the name of his group? The Khmer Rouge
Which explorer was responsible for the French claims that are shown on the map? Jacques Cartier
What military alliance is shown on the map? Central powers What are their names? Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire What happened to them? They were defeated in World War I
Which religion dominates both areas indicated on the map? Christianity What specific type of Christianity dominates the yellow region? Roman Catholic What European empire was responsible for spreading Roman Catholicism in this area? Spain
What leader who allied himself with communism took control of the circled country in the 1950s? Fidel Castro What situation occurred here in 1962 that brought the world close to nuclear war? Cuban Missile Crisis
What was the name of the invasion that took place here on June 6, 1944? D-day What happened in that invasion? Allies invaded German-occupied France at Normandy Why was it important? Allies established a 2nd Front that helped them to defeat Germany in World War II
Why did the United States fight a war at C from 1950 to 1953? To stop communism from spreading into South Korea Who helped the North Koreans in their fight against the US in that war? China
What happened at D in 1949? Mao Zedong’s communist forces took over the government Who did Mao defeat in that war? Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi)
What European country attacked the shaded country in 1935? Italy Who was the leader of Italy at the time? Benito Mussolini What is the name of the country? Ethiopia How did other European nations respond? There was no significant response
At what diplomatic meeting was this map of Europe created? Congress of Vienna What was their goal in creating the map like this? Maintain a “balance of power” in Europe to prevent major wars
Of what group were the shaded nations a part in 1914? The Allies What are their names? Great Britain, France, and Russia
What diplomatic agreement created this map of Europe? Treaty of Versailles
What type of political system dominated the shaded countries in the 1930s? Fascism What are the two countries? Germany and Italy
What dynasty ruled these two areas in the late 1500s? Habsburg Family To what religion was that family dedicated? Roman Catholicism
In the country marked with A, who led a slave revolt in the early 1800s? Toussaint L’ouverture Against which country were they revolting? France
What political party came to power in the shaded area in the 1930s? Nazis (National Socialists) Who was the leader of that party? Adolf Hitler
What Native America empire was located at letter A in the 1500s? Incans Who defeated them? Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro
Who led a violent revolution against the British to achieve independence for letter B? Kenyetta What is the name of the country? Kenya
What did Winston Churchill call this line that seemed to divide Europe during the Cold War? The “iron curtain” What kind of countries existed to the east of the line? Communist
Who occupied the country marked with the letter A in 1945? The United States Who was put in charge of turning that country into a democracy? Douglas MacArthur
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, which Native American empire was located in the region marked by letter A? Mayans
What two important religious cities are shown by the arrow on the map? Mecca and Medina To what religion are these cities important? Islam
What religion dominates the green shaded area in the modern age? Islam
What empire controlled the shaded region in the 1500s? Mughals What religion was that empire? Islam
What type of government took over the shaded country in the 1920s? Fascist Who was the leader of it? Benito Mussolini What was his goal for his country? “restore the glory of the Roman empire”
What military alliance from the Cold War is shown by the shaded areas on the map? North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO’s purpose was to guard against aggression from who? The Soviet Union
In the 1500s, the shaded regions were controlled by which empire? Ottomans What religion were they? Islam What were their two main trade goods? Coffee and ceramics
What event is depicted by the shaded regions on the map? The Protestant Reformation
What happened in the country marked the letter A in 1994? Genocide What is the country? Rwanda
What happened in the area marked by letter A in the late 1990s? Genocide Who was responsible for it? Serbia
What empire was located in the shaded region in the 1500s? Songhai What trade route did they use to trade with Europe? Trans-Saharan
What is the name of the country, marked by the letter A, that became independent when India achieved its independence? Sri Lanka What was its former name? Ceylon
What man-made waterway is depicted on the map by A? The Suez Canal Which European empire took control of it in the 1800s because it gave them easier access to their Asian Empire? Great Britain
Who fled to letter C in 1949 after losing the Chinese Civil War? Chiang Kai-Shek What is the name of the country Taiwan
What happened to the shaded areas in the late 1800s? They became unified What are the two countries? Germany and Italy
Which explorer’s route is shown on the map? Vasco da Gama For which country did he sail? Portugal What was the significance of his discovery? It opened up a sea route for trade with the East
What European imperial power lost control of the shaded region in the 1950s? France What leader took over the north and began to install communism there? Ho Chi Minh Why did the US fight a war in the shaded area? Stop the spread of communism? What was the ultimate result? The north overran the south and turned the whole country into a communist state
What Cold War military alliance is shown by the shaded region on the map? The Warsaw Pact Which country was in control of the Warsaw Pact? The Soviet Union Against what alliance was the Warsaw Pact set up? NATO
Which religion is dominant in letter A? Christianity Which religion is dominant in letter B? Islam