INCITS TC Officers annual symposium Karen Higginbottom, Chair ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 ISO/IEC JTC 1 2017 State of the union INCITS TC Officers annual symposium Karen Higginbottom, Chair
ISO/IEC JTC 1 created in 1987 – celebrating our 30 year anniversary! title – Information Technology scope -- International standardization in the field of Information Technology vision statement – JTC 1 is the standards development environment where experts come together to develop worldwide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards for business and consumer applications. Additionally, JTC 1 provides the standards approval environment for integrating diverse and complex ICT technologies. These standards rely upon the core infrastructure technologies developed by JTC 1 centers of expertise complemented by specifications developed in other organizations. system integration is a key role
JTC 1 Background size 4500 worldwide experts representing their countries in the international technical work over 3007 published JTC 1 standards short “market windows” – timing is very important global marketplace complex technical issues where standards from both inside JTC 1 and from consortia must be made to interoperate
Broad engagement over 400 liaison relationships within the SCs 33 Participating members / 61 Observer members over 400 liaison relationships within the SCs JTC 1 level Category A liaison with Ecma-International unique Partner Standards Developing Organization (PSDO) relationship with IEEE Collaboration with ITU-T Interest from CEN/CENELEC for greater “pick up” of JTC 1 standards
Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) Transposition Process opportunity to partner with consortia unique process for National Body approval 240 submissions are international ISO/IEC standards 13 PAS Submitters DMTF, GS1, NESMA, OASIS, OMG, Open Connectivity Foundation, Open Geospatial Consortium, SMPTE, SNIA, Spice Users Group, The Open Group, Trusted Computing Group, W3C
Structure of JTC 1 21 Subcommittees 2 JTC 1 level Working Groups SC 41 Internet of Things and related technologies WG 7 Sensor Networks WG 10 Internet of Things 2 JTC 1 level Working Groups WG 9 Big Data WG 11Smart Cities Study Group on 3D Printing and Scanning JTC 1 Advisory Group Meets 2X/year, provides advice to the JTC 1 Chair JAG Group on Global Advanced Industrial Systems Special Working Group on Emerging Technologies and Innovations
System integration (covered thoroughly later today . . .) Effort led by US Standing Document 24 – Systems Integration Standardization Guidelines JAG serves as JTC 1 System Integration governing entity Manage SI projects, work on conflict areas, collaborate outside JTC 1, provide SI strategy, monitor new work, provide governance policy and SI guidelines, recommend creation/disbandment of SI entities, assign facilitators Role of Study Groups, SI Entities, Implementation Guidelines, Facilitation description Coordination/representation in ISO/IEC system efforts How to deal with verticals? Smart XYZ?
Proliferation of New “coordination” functions (no assurances I have them all properly accounted for at any given time) IEC ad hoc groups Systems Activities, Working with Consortia IEC SEGs (individuals participate) Smart Cities, Low Voltage, Electrotech for Mobility, Non-conventional Distribution Networks/Micro Grids, Smart Manufacturing, Communication Technologies, Smart Home/Office Building Systems IEC SysC Active Assisted Living, Electrotech Aspects Smart Cities, Smart Energy ISO TMB efforts (only TMB names members) SAGs -- Ageing Societies, Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing AHG on Smart Cities Standing Smart Cities Task Force Smart Manufacturing Coordinating Committee
Expansion of ict everywhere ISO TC 307 – Blockchain and Electronic Distributed Ledger Technology ISO PC 308 – Chain of Custody ISO TC 309 – Governance of Organizations IEC TC 124 - Wearable Electronic Devices and Technologies ITU-T . . . The many consortia Enhanced Liaison function How can JTC 1 help to make your organization develop better standards?
JTC 1 Outreach Developing Country Workshop Both ISO and IEC working with JTC 1 Chair/Secretary to hold Developing Country session in Vladivostok Information to assist countries to set up JTC 1 mirror committees Learn value of JTC 1 standardization Sessions with other IEC TCs at General Meeting Regional Debrief Africa
ISO and IEC support Both organizations updating their online tools – don’t seem to be talking to one another Working toward collaboration support, remote participation IEC to provide support for SC 41, will be taking over full support for SC 25, believe valuable correlation to SC 39 JAG group to respond to TMB Resolution 28/2017 (10 countries to participate)
Impact of term limits Sought relief from TMB/SMB for migration plan 14 of SC Chairs term limit out by 2018 SCs with new Chairs and maybe Secretary SC 7 (Canada to India) SC 25 (still Germany) SC 6, SC 17, SC 22, SC 24, SC 27, SC 28, SC 29 Training of Secretaries by NBs . . . Chair-Elect important!
Procedure mandates Seeking that all Supplements (including JTC 1) become more closely aligned JAG group to address harmonization proposal Processes are “hardwired” into ISO systems Ballots (DIS/FDIS at SC level) – NBs addressing local processes Meeting participation platform
How issues are escalated Let us know!!!