Information Technology 8 By: Sajan
Weebly What I have learned from Weebly is that it is a site to create websites(we made one for info tech 8). Also Weebly Is a great way to make and publish your site for FREE! Every time I go on my site I usually post a blog or putting on a assignment, then I publish it. For me it is important to have everything in order because then everyone knows what unit it is. What I found interesting is that it is free which really amazed me.
Internet Safety What I have learnt about this unit is that cyber bullying is a big problem because of the effects that it has on the people. Another effect it has is depression because people on the other end can say what they want because they have an account on Facebook that lets them be anonymous. What I found interesting about this unit it is how many teens have seen or experienced cyber bully.
Pictures This is my internet safety test
Tobacco And Anti-Smoking What I have learnt about this unit is that tobacco is super bad, and cigarettes because it has more than 10 bad drugs in it. Some ingredients in a cigarette are paint , methanol, carbon monoxide, arsenic poison, lighter fluid and that is only some of the ingredients. Also cigarette company's have smart ways to get people to use it.
Minority Report In this unit we watched the movie Minority Report it was about the future. In the movie Tom Cruise was apart of a pre crime unit. The pre crime unit is a unit that can predict crime before it happens. The concept of the movie was cool and the gadgets were to especially the jetpacks.
Healthy Eating In this unit I learnt that many kids are obese or overweigh(U.S.A.). The unit has also taught me to keep healthy and exercise more. What I found interesting was that many kids are a big mac away from getting heart disease and be coming obese.
Relationships In this unit I have learnt that not all relationships work out till the end. Some of the relationships are abusive, healthy, and unhealthy. The most common problem that relationships have are one person not trusting the other one.
Thank You