Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
WBS Definition Creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) involves subdividing the major product deliverables into smaller, more manageable components, generally referred to as work packages. The WBS should: Describe “what” work needs to get done and not be concerned with who, when or how. Capture 100% of the known work. Work not describe in the WBS is outside the scope of the project. Expand over time as new work packages are identified (i.e., progressive elaboration). While sequencing the WBS is not important, it may be organized based on the selected project life-cycle process, which has implied order.
WBS Examples WBS Option 1 – by Phase First (My Preference) Kitchen Remodeling Design Purchase Install Rewiring Plumbing Appliances Appliances Appliances Fixtures Fixtures Fixtures WBS Option 2 – by Component First Cabinets Cabinets Cabinets Kitchen Remodeling Key Points: Notice that this example of a WBS is typical of those found in textbooks, and typical of those many of us use in our workplace as well, in the way that it includes both deliverables and activities. According to the PMBOK® definition, the WBS should only contain deliverables. Strictly speaking, that would mean that the elements that are above the line in this diagram are part of the WBS, and those below the line belong to the extension of the WBS that is called the Activity List. Note that this PMBOK® definition is more restrictive than what is usually found in the literature, and in practice. A more general definition would be that a WBS is “a hierarchical list of activities organized in the way in which the project will be managed.” Appliances Fixtures Cabinets Rewiring Plumbing Design Design Design Purchase Purchase Purchase Install Install Install
WBS Decomposition The planned work contained within the lowest level WBS components are called work packages, which can be scheduled, budgeted, assigned, and controlled. Work packages are broken down (decomposed) into activities that must be completed to create the deliverable. Each level represents further breakout of the work definition. The number of levels identified will depend on the size and complexity of the project. New work packages are identified over time (i.e., progressive elaboration) and old ones are closed out (archived). Be worded as a noun that describes a specific product deliverable or a process to be executed within the project. Every work package should have no predecessors or successors (only tasks should be linked).
WBS Example (OSI Framework) Key Points: Activity Definition involves IDENTIFYING and DOCUMENTING the specific activities that must be performed in order to produce the DELIVERABLES identified in the WBS. Implicit in this process is the need to define the activities such that the PROJECT OBJECTIVES will be met. This WBS was built based on the Office of Systems Integration’s (OSI) Project Life Cycle Framework
WBS Example (Cont.) 1/27/2018
Task Definition Work package tasks will vary based on the type of deliverable. All tasks should start with a verb (e.g., develop, modify). All tasks should have at least one successor. All tasks should have a least one named resource or role assigned. The last task associated with a deliverable should be a milestone. A milestone is zero duration since it is a point in time and not an activity. All milestones should be entered to identify the deliverable or event (e.g., data model) and use past tense verbs (e.g., delivered, completed, approved). A milestone task does not have any resources assigned to it.
WBS Chart Pro WBS Chart Pro is an excellent tool for building and diagramming a WBS. It integrates seamlessly with MS Project.