Stem-changing Verbs (a.k.a. Boot Verbs) Capítulo 1A
What is the stem of a verb? The stem of a verb is the part of the infinitive that is left after you drop the endings -ar, -er, or -ir. For example, the stem of empezar is empez-.
What is a stem-changing verb? Stem-changing verbs have a spelling change in their stem in all forms of the present tense except the nosotros(as) and vosotros(as) forms. Boot Shape!
Wait, didn’t we learn this in Spanish 1? There are three kinds of stem-changing verbs that you have learned. To review them, here are the present-tense forms of poder (o ue), empezar (e ie), and pedir (e i). —Si no puedes contestar una pregunta, ¿qué haces? —Generalmente le pido ayuda a otro estudiante o al profesor.
Stem-changing verbs
Stem-changing verbs
Stem-changing verbs
Guided Practice
Guided Practice
Boot Verb Chart Let’s make a chart to remember all of the boot verbs for this chapter! almorzar repetir pensar dormir servir jugar querer costar preferir pedir empezar poder entender