Dealing with RTI RTI Information for Centres and Examinations Candidates Sue Holmes FIAB
RTI HMRC Basic Tools – Database (no Calculators) Download from HMRC Website Other HMRC approved Tools
RTI Sage 50 Payroll Software Version 18.00.049, or Version 19.00.016 or later Check in Help/About Knowledge: Check regularly for software and e-submission updates Skill: Once required version installed, untick “Check for Updates” (or answer “No” when asked)
On the whole, very similar to current processes RTI Skills Unit To include all set up and normal payroll processing On the whole, very similar to current processes
RTI Knowledge Unit To include all “submissions”: NI Number Verification (NVR) Employer Alignment Submission (EAS) Full Payment Submission (FPS) Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
RTI Knowledge NI Number Verification (NVR) Importance Process
RTI SET UP Employer Data as normal Must include Tax District and Collection References
RTI Skill Employee Data as normal, but minimum of SET UP Skill Employee Data as normal, but minimum of Name, address and postcode Date of Birth and Gender National Insurance Number Additional information - Contracted Hours: Under 16, 16-30, over 30, Other
RTI EAS (Employer Alignment Submission) Knowledge First report Less than 250 employees, not required. 250 + employees, required once Purpose Content
RTI Payroll Processing Skill Set up new Employee Records P45 – received but not submitted (HMRC picks up information from FPS) P46 – Probably still used to obtain information – not submitted
RTI Payroll Processing Skill Process Date – date on which Employees will receive their pay Mark any casual staff “on hold”
RTI Payroll Processing Skill Enter Payments and Deductions Print payslips and pre-update reports No change
RTI Payroll Processing Skill Update Records Use Leaver Wizard to mark any Leavers
RTI Payroll Processing Knowledge After Records updated: FPS (Full Payment Submission) In Sage, note new column on Employee list showing date of last FPS.
RTI Skill and Knowledge Before FPS Submitted – Checklist Completed Payroll Run Printed Payslips and pre update reports Placed Casuals on hold if not paid this time Updated records Processed Leavers
RTI Payroll Processing Knowledge EPS (Employer Payment Summary) Only required to report figures not on FPS, ie Statutory Payments Recovered NIC Compensation Advance Funding NIC Holiday CIS Deduction suffered Nil Return
RTI Payroll Processing - EPS Procedure: Skill Knowledge Ensure payroll completed Run P32 (to check if EPS required) Knowledge Run EPS Wizard – from Tax Month 1 to current date
RTI Year End Knowledge On final EPS and FPS, tick to say last submission of the year Complete “Declaration” questions (similar to old P35)
RTI Year End Skill Knowledge Produce P11s and P60s No Longer required: P14, P35, P38A
RTI Other requirements - Correction of Errors Employee Details Change of Name or Address Error in Start Date Removed Employee in error
RTI Other requirements - Correction of Errors Skill Before Updating After Updating – Rollback, Restore Knowledge After FPS has been submitted NEVER resubmit FPS
RTI Other requirements - Correction of Errors EPS Knowledge Resubmit replacement EPS