Informing Projects that Face East
But first, let’s ‘Name It & Claim It’ Your past experience with the City of Austin Spirit of East Austin Forum
We heard that we need to build trust Looking forward: We heard that we need to build trust
Trust = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy Self-Orientation
We heard that we need to… We are not here to tell you what you need, we are here to verify we think we heard and listen to what you have to say
We need to work together as a community and government We heard that we need… We need to work together as a community and government
We heard that we need to have…
We heard your ‘Personal experience’ at the Spirit of East Austin Forum This looked like…
The next topic was ‘Resources’ Many recognized that you, the community members of East Austin, were amongst the strongest resources in the community. This looked like…
Next, we discussed “What is missing” You discussed the needs in your community For your zip code, this looked like…
“What is missing” also looked like…
We know we need to