Seven Deadly Sins – Staying Away From the MirY ClAY An Introduction
Definitions and History Revision of a Greek idea on virtue and vice - a continuum? Codified by Pope Gregory, AD590 Popularized by Thomas Acquinas in Summa Theologica, AD1485 Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The list Greed - Jerry Gluttony – Sam Other Lists? Proverbs 6:16-19 Some special treatment Proverbs 6:16-19 Wrath - Mark Galatians 5:19-21 Lust - Mark Revelation 21:8 Sloth - Sam I Corinthians 5:11 Envy - Martin Pride -Luke Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
[L]et the children of God remember that all sin is mortal, because it is rebellion against the will of God, and necessarily provokes his anger; and because it is a violation of the Law, against every violation of which, without exception, the judgment of God has been pronounced. The faults of the saints are indeed venial, not, however, in their own nature, but because, through the mercy of God, they obtain pardon. Why Deadly Sins? Some have said that the list is called deadly because these sins have been observed to lead to other sins. There is a pattern or trap tied to these patterns of life and thought. But isn’t that true of all sin? Are there, as Catholics have said, venial and mortal sins? Are there deadly sins and forgiveable sins? John Calvin, (Institutes II.8.59) Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
All Deadly, All Forgiveable [L]et the children of God remember that all sin is mortal, because it is rebellion against the will of God, and necessarily provokes his anger; and because it is a violation of the Law, against every violation of which, without exception, the judgment of God has been pronounced. The faults of the saints are indeed venial, not, however, in their own nature, but because, through the mercy of God, they obtain pardon. This list is only helpful if it is seen as incomplete, and suggestive of the totality of failing to do the entirety of the Law of God It is only helpful when it is a tool of sanctification of ourselves and others, and not as fuel for distaining others It is only helpful if applied with a right view of sanctification… John Calvin, (Institutes II.8.59) Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
Forms and Structures There has been a lot of attention paid in art and literature to the nature of the vices and the similarities and differences between the seven deadly sins.
Forms and Structures Virtues, Vices, and Objects Chastity Lust Intimacy Temperance Gluttony Food and Drink Generosity Greed Wealth Diligence Sloth Ease Peace Wrath Justice Contentment Envy Providence Humility Pride Self Forms and Structures There has been a lot of attention paid in art and literature to the nature of the vices and the similarities and differences between the seven deadly sins.
Forms and Structures Material Vices Social Vices Personal Vices There has been a lot of attention paid in art and literature to the nature of the vices and the similarities and differences between the seven deadly sins.
Forms and Structures Material Vices Social Vices Personal Vices Gluttony, Greed Social Vices Lust, Envy Personal Vices Pride, Anger, Sloth Forms and Structures There has been a lot of attention paid in art and literature to the nature of the vices and the similarities and differences between the seven deadly sins.
Why Study the Law at all? What good is the Law of God for Christians? Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Law and The Christian TWO Tricky Questions The Law and The Christian Are Christians totally depraved? Does Total Depravity apply to Christians? Is sanctification my job, or the Holy Spirit’s job? Is sanctification even important? Navigating some tricky waters. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
Which of these MATCHES HOW You TEND TO THINK? The Law and The Christian Which of these MATCHES HOW You TEND TO THINK? Everything I do is corrupted by sin. I will not ever be free from sin’s reach and impact, only it’s penalty. I have no moral power for good. If God keeps me from sin, I can avoid it, and if he does not, I won’t. I live under grace and not under law. God loves me no matter what I do. Because Christ died for me, it doesn’t matter how I live, I am bound for heaven. Scripture? Navigating some tricky waters. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Law and The Christian TWO Tricky Questions The Law and The Christian Are Christians totally depraved? Does Total Depravity apply to Christians? Is sanctification my job, or the Holy Spirit’s job? Is sanctification even important? Navigating some tricky waters. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Law and The Christian Although Christians remain corrupted in every aspect of our being, and even our righteousness is found lacking, as new creations, we have the moral power to do the will of God, to please God, and to mortify sin. Although we sin daily in word and deed, we have real hope for progress in Christlikeness. We are saved out of the miry clay, not just from it. See WCF6:5 and 9:4 Although as members of Christ’s body we are justified by the obedience of Christ and not our own, our necessary response to God’s love is to work out our salvation, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and to glorify Him by demonstrating His character and truth in our lives. We are saved out of the miry clay, not just from it. See WCF 11:3 and T11:4 The Law and The Christian Navigating some tricky waters. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Law and The Christian Confessional Statements on Sanctification The Law and The Christian RPT13:2,3 This sanctification is throughout, in the whole man; yet imperfect in this life … whence ariseth a continual and irreconcilable war; the flesh against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. In which war, although the remaining corruption, for a time, may much prevail; yet … the regenerate part doth overcome; and so, the saints grow in grace, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. RPT13:1,3 God’s work of sanctification is designed to restore the whole person after the image of God. The moral law of God, perfectly fulfilled in the life of Christ, reveals God’s holiness and declares His will to man, and is therefore the ground of sanctification. Proper proclamation of the doctrine of sanctification must call believers to struggle diligently against sin. Navigating some tricky waters. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The three Uses of the Law A point of (some) agreement among the Reformers. Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Three Uses of the law Societal Use Pedagogical Use Moral Use The Three Uses of the law Luther and Calvin Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Three Uses of the law Societal Use A common grace. Application of God’s law to believers and to unbelievers serves to limit the effects of evil and brings a measure of peace, protection, and order. Romans 13:9, 10 Psalm 147, esp 19, 20 The Three Uses of the law Luther and Calvin Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Three Uses of the law Pedagogical Use A common grace. Unbelievers and believers are warned, convicted, and condemned by the Law. All are trained that we stand guilty before God, cannot do what we ought and need a savior. The law is a schoolmaster Gal. 3:24 The Three Uses of the law Luther and Calvin Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
The Three Uses of the law Moral Use A special grace. Believers, as new creatures, and through the Spirit, are enabled to know the character of God and to begin to share in it. Matthew 5:1-12 and ff Proverbs 6:16-19 Drives us back to the second use. The Three Uses of the law Luther and Calvin Seven Deadly Sins - Staying Away from the Miry Clay
Seven Deadly Sins – Staying Away From the MirY ClAY Questions? And – as time permits – an exercise…