Homework C-2 due tomorrow. Current events article due Monday, November 14.
Aim #2: Is the Shang Dynasty the beginning of Chinese civilization? Do Now: Does America have a problem with xenophobia in 2016?
Introduction Although China is isolated, it does have to deal with invasions from nomadic tribes (“barbarians”) who live to the north (Mongolia, Gobi desert) and to the west (plateau of Tibet). Lead to the emergence of strong dynasties that can protect China
2. Oracle Bones → Priests would write questions on animal bones in order to receive advice/guidance from the many gods / nature spirits of the religion.
3. Veneration of Ancestors (Ancestor Worship) → Belief that the spirits of your ancestors could bring either good or bad fortune to the living.
4. Writing System: Based on Pictographs (the symbol resembles the word) and Ideographs (the symbol is associated with certain meanings or ideas).
Making a Claim Should the Shang Dynasty be considered the beginning of Chinese civilization?