First Grade Skills Math Where Does Food Come From? Reading Texts: Where Does Food Come From? Read Aloud: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs *Weekly spelling, reading, and math facts test will be given on Friday, March 24th. Phonics & Spelling Math Spelling Words play way day stay may spray rain grain sail mail pain paint me tree sea be keep these read eat street feet mean please Long Vowels Teams: -ai and -ay Long Vowel: Teams: -ee and -ea Fractions Equal and not equal Halves and Fourths Geometric Shapes 2D and 3D shapes Addition Practice Math Facts +5 Week of: March 20th -24th Reading, Writing, & Grammar Author’s Purpose Drawing Conclusions Vocab: Multiple-Meaning Words GRAMMAR Suffixes Writing Questions Opinion & Informational WRITING Paragraph Writing ©S.O’Brien, 2012, KPM Doodles + BaBaPuffBaby