II Volga specialized forum "Medicine. Pharmacy" Самара 2017
Organizational structure of the event includes: 1. Forum "Medicine Organizational structure of the event includes: 1. Forum "Medicine. Pharmacy “ with exhibition of innovative high-tech equipment, materials and supplies. 2. Training of industry professionals in targeted programs. 3. Training of administrative staff of medical institutions and pharmaceutical orientation. 4. Information and educational activities for population.
Preliminary topics of forum sections: Health technology assessment: the introduction of innovative technologies Additive Technology, 3-D technology, simulation technology. 2. Medical preparations marketing. Drug provision and rational use of medicines and medical devices in accordance with the new legislation 3. Rehabilitation Medicine. 4. Laboratory Medicine. 5. Training and professional development, educational certificates in the following areas: oncology, dermatology, therapy, traumatology, surgery, occupational pathology, surgery. Further training of nurses. 6. Further training of pharmacists and chemists. 5. Organization of sanitary-epidemiological regime of Medical and preventive establishment. 6. Further training of administrative personnel of Medicine and Pharmacy institutions (tender procedures, staffing, etc.).
Sections of the exhibition: Equipment and materials developed and produced in the region (innovative medical technologies, development of medical equipment industry and breakthrough technology centers). Medical equipment and medical products. Pharmacy: 3.1. Raw materials, substances, ingredients. 3.2. Medications in pill. 3.3. Infusion and standard injection solutions. Laboratory medicine, diagnostics. Consumables, suture materials. Medical clothing and footwear, medical knitwear, orthopedic products. Pharmaceutical and medical packaging. Equipment, materials and tools for cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and storage of sterile products.
Project participants: Exhibitors: Companies producing medical and pharmaceutical products and services, developers of advanced medical technology, Start-Up Suppliers of products for medical and pharmaceutical purposes, as well as products for a healthy lifestyle Manufacturers of medical clothing IT-companies Consulting and service centers Companies engaged in the design and construction of health facilities Banks
Benefits for exhibitors: Making of contracts, direct sales. Demonstration of products and new developments to new potential customers. Good target audience in all areas. Use of a platform to address marketing issues of medical industry subjects.
Target audience (visitors) Участники проекта Attendants of b&b: Target audience (visitors) Group Possible needs Leaders, chief doctors of clinics, public and private health care facilities, health care facilities, medical centers Networking, current information about industry and clusters needs, obtain of skills of effectively manager, effective participation in competitive procedures, marketing, fundamentals of economy, calculation of the equipment payback period, information about how to obtain staffing skills for senior medical staff and nurses. Professional development. Leaders of drugstore chains, pharmacies Changes in legislation, improvement of managerial and marketing skills, competitive procedures, merchandising, personnel issues. Staff responsible for procurement/supply of materials, equipment, drugs from medical institutions and pharmaceutical industries Improvement of work skills, algorithm for solving of conflict issues in procurement sphere, up to date information about changes in legislation Executives and management of potential suppliers of resources for equipment manufacturers, and materials. Contact with the production, establishment of cooperation without stakeholder. Chief technologist, deputy chief technologists for science affairs, manufacture affairs, chief engineers of the equipment, materials, and medicines manufacturers Acquisition with the latest novelties of industry, partnerships establishment, establishment of contacts for the future. Further training in the issues of legal regulation of industries, licensing, certification. Specialists Be in trend, improve skills, share experiences, receive information about new products, purchase of consumables Junior medical staff Get information about latest novelties of industry, to be trained
Competitive advantages of the project: Coverage of B2G, B2B component Territorial proximity of "core" Cluster and most companies belonging to the cluster Convenient time and venue Large range and diversity of the business program Widely promoted venue Uniqueness of the project.
Exhibition scheme
Cost of participation: 6500 RUB./1 sq. meters of equipped space 6000 RUB. - registration fee. Information about the cost of additional equipment is available on the website: http://medfarm.expo-volga.ru/