On the whiteboard you will see past tense verbs or adverbs. SMACK THE WORD On the whiteboard you will see past tense verbs or adverbs. You will also see sentences with a missing word. Read the sentence, and when you know the word, smack it on the board with your hand. You only get once chance to hit the word. If you’re right, your team gets one point.
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket.
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket.
He still doesn’t know how to write his name.
He still doesn’t know how to write his name.
I can’t find my car keys anywhere!
I can’t find my car keys anywhere!
I studied harder for this exam than the last exam.
I studied harder for this exam than the last exam.
Pet the dog nicely, or it will bite you.
Pet the dog nicely, or it will bite you.
Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions.
Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions.
She sings so well that I think she’s famous.
She sings so well that I think she’s famous.
Look up!
Look up!
I spend a lot of time playing video games. I need to use my time more wisely.
I spend a lot of time playing video games. I need to use my time more wisely.
It is very unlikely that you will not do well on the next exam.
It is very unlikely that you will not do well on the next exam.
My grandma takes care of me when my parents are working hard at their job.
My grandma takes care of me when my parents are working hard at their job.
I put my homework right there, yesterday! Where did it go? I put my homework right there, yesterday!
I put my homework right there, yesterday! Where did it go? I put my homework right there, yesterday!
Your homework is wrong. Do it again!
Your homework is wrong. Do it again!
I think she stole your toy earlier. Talk to my sister. I think she stole your toy earlier.
I think she stole your toy earlier. Talk to my sister. I think she stole your toy earlier.
I’m going to the doctor’s later.
I’m going to the doctor’s later.
He can read his book so quickly!
He can read his book so quickly!
My mom put the cookies up so high I cannot reach them.
My mom put the cookies up so high I cannot reach them.
I can’t hear her. She speaks so softly.
I can’t hear her. She speaks so softly.
I never listen during morning assembly.
I never listen during morning assembly.
My dad honks his car horn when other people drive slowly.
My dad honks his car horn when other people drive slowly.
Unfortunately, I lost my homework on the bus.
Unfortunately, I lost my homework on the bus.
There is a café downstairs.
There is a café downstairs.
I haven’t seen him lately.
I haven’t seen him lately.
I mistakenly wrote “Mrs. Daniel” on the top of the exam paper.
I mistakenly wrote “Mrs. Daniel” on the top of the exam paper.
I often forget to do my homework. So I get in trouble.
I often forget to do my homework. So I get in trouble.
The wind is blowing so powerfully.
The wind is blowing so powerfully.
He is listening to the teacher carefully.
He is listening to the teacher carefully.
My mom drives me to school early every day.
My mom drives me to school early every day.
I did so well on my exam that my mom bought me an iPad.
I did so well on my exam that my mom bought me an iPad.
The cheetah runs the fastest of all the animals.
The cheetah runs the fastest of all the animals.
My sister studies better than me, because she’s older.
My sister studies better than me, because she’s older.
Put your books here, or I won’t give them a score.
Put your books here, or I won’t give them a score.
Carefully carry the eggs to the car, please.
Carefully carry the eggs to the car, please.
I was talking to Mr. Daniel, earlier.
I was talking to Mr. Daniel, earlier.
There will be so many ants here later if you don’t throw your food in the garbage.
There will be so many ants here later if you don’t throw your food in the garbage.
Did you know that there is poop travelling underground, right now?
Did you know that there is poop travelling underground, right now?
I don’t understand the grammar, yet, but I will study.
I don’t understand the grammar, yet, but I will study.
I like playing basketball with my sister outside.
I like playing basketball with my sister outside.
There are many people here at the park, and they are having a picnic.
There are many people here at the park, and they are having a picnic.
Sorry, I can’t understand you. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Sorry, I can’t understand you. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
He isn’t in this class! do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
He isn’t in this class! do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
When you’re not here, we play games. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
When you’re not here, we play games. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
I’d like to have some ice cream, please. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
I’d like to have some ice cream, please. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
I could’ve had pizza for dinner, but I forgot my wallet at home. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
I could’ve had pizza for dinner, but I forgot my wallet at home. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Can you give the dog its bone? I’ve got it right here. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Can you give the dog its bone? I’ve got it right here. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Where did you go last week? I couldn’t find you. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Where did you go last week? I couldn’t find you. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Sorry, I won’t be here on Friday. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Sorry, I won’t be here on Friday. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
We’ll finish the Journeys story tomorrow. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
We’ll finish the Journeys story tomorrow. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Excuse me. You’ve got chocolate on your face. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Excuse me. You’ve got chocolate on your face. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Mr. Matt’s home is dirty. It’ll be cleaned tomorrow. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
Mr. Matt’s home is dirty. It’ll be cleaned tomorrow. do can am would he is will she not are you it they could have we did I
I ____ my little brother when he was a baby. holded held hold
I ____ my little brother when he was a baby. holded held hold
The tree ____ so fast, because I gave it special food. grew growed grow
The tree ____ so fast, because I gave it special food. grew growed grow
Sorry, I don’t think I ____ the question. understood understand understanded
Sorry, I don’t think I ____ the question. understood understand understanded
I ____ to watch my favourite movie tonight. choose chose choosed
I ____ to watch my favourite movie tonight. choose chose choosed
Did you ____ your black shoes in P.E. class? wear wore weared
Did you ____ your black shoes in P.E. class? wear wore weared
I ____ a hamburger for lunch. buy brought boughted
I ____ a hamburger for lunch. buy brought boughted
My mom ____ me to school this morning drive drived drove
My mom ____ me to school this morning drive drived drove
I ____ myself on the scissors. cutted cut cuted
I ____ myself on the scissors. cutted cut cuted
I promise I didn’t ____ your toy! broke breaked break
I promise I didn’t ____ your toy! broke breaked break
He ____ a beautiful picture in art class. drawed drow drew
He ____ a beautiful picture in art class. drawed drow drew
I ____ a cool Lego house last weekend. build built builded
I ____ a cool Lego house last weekend. build built builded
I ____ an email to my best friend, yesterday. send sended sent
I ____ an email to my best friend, yesterday. send sended sent
Did you ____ the paper in the garbage or the recycling? put putted puted
Did you ____ the paper in the garbage or the recycling? put putted puted
Did you ____ the new Harry Potter book? bought brought buy
Did you ____ the new Harry Potter book? bought brought buy
I ____ the best on candy for myself. keeped kept keep
I ____ the best on candy for myself. keeped kept keep
My sister ____ on her bed and it broke. jump jumpped jumped
My sister ____ on her bed and it broke. jump jumpped jumped
Did you ____ me? heared hear heard
Did you ____ me? heared hear heard
My mom ____ my dad in 1974. married marry marryed
My mom ____ my dad in 1974. married marry marryed
I didn’t ____ my tutor, yesterday. meet meeted met
I didn’t ____ my tutor, yesterday. meet meeted met
He ____ so fast, I didn’t see him. runed ran runned
He ____ so fast, I didn’t see him. runed ran runned
My mom ____ for my lunch today. payed paid pay
My mom ____ for my lunch today. payed paid pay
I ____ on the chair and it broke. sitted sit sat
I ____ on the chair and it broke. sitted sit sat
She ____ Chinese! ZOMBIE ARMS! speaked speak spoke
She ____ Chinese! ZOMBIE ARMS! speaked speak spoke
I ____ books this year. red readed read
I ____ books this year. red readed read
Oh no! I ____ my pencil. lose lost loose
Oh no! I ____ my pencil. lose lost loose
I went to the nurse because I ____ at break time. fell fall felt
I went to the nurse because I ____ at break time. fell fall felt
What did you ____ to the teacher? say said sayed
What did you ____ to the teacher? say said sayed
Where did you ____ on vacation? went visited go
Where did you ____ on vacation? went visited go
My parents ____ my brother and I to the movies to see Minions. take taken took
My parents ____ my brother and I to the movies to see Minions. take taken took
I ____ back from Hong Kong on Sunday. come coming came
I ____ back from Hong Kong on Sunday. come coming came
Aw, man! I ____ the answer! I just forgot. know knew knowed
Aw, man! I ____ the answer! I just forgot. know knew knowed
I ____ a Nintendo from Santa Claus. get got getted
I ____ a Nintendo from Santa Claus. get got getted
My brother didn’t ____ me a present for Christmas. gave gived give
My brother didn’t ____ me a present for Christmas. gave gived give
My brother ____ a lost puppy on his way home from school, today. find found finded
My brother ____ a lost puppy on his way home from school, today. find found finded
I ____ you weren’t coming today! through though thought
I ____ you weren’t coming today! through though thought
I ____ you to give me your homework. tell teld told
I ____ you to give me your homework. tell teld told
I ____ my pencil case in Chinese class. leafed leaved left
I ____ my pencil case in Chinese class. leafed leaved left
My arms didn’t ____ tired after swimming club. feeled felt feel
My arms didn’t ____ tired after swimming club. feeled felt feel