Latin America Nueva Cancion
Latin America 1 ½ continent Over 20 countries Spanish, Portuguese, French, Native American languages Quichua
Shared Culture Spanish or Portuguese colonialism American/European influence Mixture is the norm In culture and in music
Is There a pan-Latin American identity?
Latin America What is Latin America? When is Latin America? How does Latin America sound?
Turbulent Times Revolution Massacre Dictatorship Colonialism, Imperialism
1960s Counterculture
1960s Latin American Youth Mvt. In the midst of dictatorships Argentina ’76 - ’83 Uruguay ’73 - ’85 Brazil ‘64 – ’85 Chile ‘73 – ’90 Strong U.S. interventions and Elite
Dictatorship Experience Disappearing People No Marx on bookshelf Interruption of public life No opportunity for opposition so extremes generated
How to Change? How do you change the system when a few people [the elite] own everything? Ideas?
Change? Populism Many left-wing movements Paolo Freire- Pedagogy of the Oppressed
New Song Urban sound based on rural musics especially the folk song Involves: - Recording songs and writing new similar songs - Interpreting folk songs - Writing new songs
New Song Movement Not one musical style A way of performing Associated with particular ideals Transformation of folklore to popular
Many Sources Argentina - Mercedes Sosa Cuba – Silvio Rodriguez Pablo Milanes Uruguay – Alfredo Zittaroza
Chile – Stronghold! Violetta Parra Victor Jara Inti Illimani And Isabel Parra, Angel Parra, Illapu, Quilapayun…
New Song in Chile La Pena de los Parra Café in which they sang Love songs Political songs Metaphysical songs
Begin to use literary poetry i.e. Pablo Neruda Combine with folk melodies
Unidad Popular 1970 Coalition of left-wing parties Salvador Allende- presidential candidate Popularly elected Marxist government Victor Para and Nueva Cancion
Victor Jara 1932-1973 Teacher, theater director, musician Communist Party Pivotal role in Nueva Cancion movement Song Themes: love, peace, social justice 1973 Military Coup Murdered
El Aparacido Inti Illimani University music group Anthem of Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende Exiled for 16 years Music changed in Europe