PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION To present NYDA’s 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan to the Portfolio Committee
PRESENTATION OUTLINE NYDA ACT: Policy Objectives National Youth Policy 2020 Repositioning NYDA to maximize impact Key initiatives of Turn Around Strategy High level Summary of the NYDA’ s 2017/18 APP
NYDA ACT : POLICY OBJECTIVES 1. Facilitate economic participation 2. Partner with other state organs, private sector and non-gov organisations 3. Derive initiatives aimed at attainment of employment and skills development 4. Initiate programmes directed at poverty alleviation, urban and rural development and combining crimes, substance abuse and social decay amongst youth 5. Establish national priority programmes 6. Promote uniform approach by all organs of state, private sector and non-gov organisations on youth development 7. Promote the interest of youth generally
NATIONAL YOUTH POLICY 2020 Aims and Objectives Thematic Areas Provides a general strategy to decision-makers on how to address youth development issues Focuses on the development of young people in the country Promotes coordination and mainstreaming of youth development across all key stakeholders in civil society Thematic Areas Economic participation and transformation Education, skills and second chance Nation-building and social cohesion Health care and combating substance abuse Effective and responsive youth development institutions
REPOSITIONING NYDA TO MAXIMISE IMPACT Transitional Accounting Authority initiated a repositioning strategy for NYDA to maximize impact as demonstrated below: NYDA ACT Mandate and Expectations from Youth Legislative Framework Separate CORE and DELIVERY Isolate KEY FOCUS AREAS Aim for Maximum IMPACT Reprioritise Redefine ENABLERS Economic Participation/Education and Skills Principles Redefine and Reposition to Maximise Impact
KEY INTIATIVES OF TURN AROUND STRATEGY Integration of all products and services offered by the NYDA Continuous innovative product and programme enhancement that responds to the dynamic needs of the youth Cross functionality and continued development of NYDA employee to be a well-rounded ‘Youth Development Practitioner’ Lean and streamlined organisational structure Re-energised NYDA to become a more credible and capable organisation Priority Area 4 PILLARS ENHANCING IMPACT Increased Funding from the National Treasury Repositioning NYS Repositioning and integrating programmes, products and services Up-scaling Flagship Programmes Review, Upgrade and Replace IT Rural Development at the Epi-Centre Maximising our Communication Strategy ENHANCING CREDIBILITY Engaging Youth Formations and other stakeholders for youth development Implementation of corrective actions on audit and risks findings Transparent Reporting focusing on: Maximising our Communication Strategy BUILDING CAPABILITY Reviewing Policies; Procedures and Systems Monitoring Performance Monitoring and Mitigating Risks Budget Management Staff training and development and Introducing a Balanced Scorecard Rural Reach Targeted Partnership Building DEVELOPING EFFICIENCY Reviewing the Organisation’s Skills, Structure and Culture Addressing Internal and External Audit Findings Systems Enhancing Labour Relations Performance measures aimed at improving efficiencies
KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS (KPA’S): 2017/2018 DEFINITION ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION To enhance the participation of young people in the economy through targeted and integrated programmes. Programmes implemented by the NYDA against this KPA, aim to facilitate and provide employment opportunities for young people; to enhance the participation of young people in the economy, aimed at increasing job creation, entrepreneurship participation and skills development and to provide business support to young people. EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT To promote, facilitate and provide training and development opportunities to young people to enhance their socio-economic wellbeing, with the objective of facilitating education opportunities and community participation activism. The aim is to improve access to quality education, to facilitate and implement skills development programmes and scholarships assistance to young people.
KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS (KPA’S): 2017/2018 DEFINITION 3. RESEARCH AND POLICY To create a body of knowledge and best practice in the youth development sectors and to inform and influence policy development planning and implementation of the fundamental aim of this area is to ensure that policies and frameworks that drive youth development are developed, based on a body of knowledge and facts that are relevant to the developmental needs of the youth of South Africa, as well as giving South Africa a competitive edge, globally. 4. GOVERNANCE To achieve efficient and effective utilization of resources through provision of functions governance, technology and systems, business operations systems, human capital and financial management systems that adhere to relevant legislative requirements for public funded entities.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2017/18 KEY PERFORMANCE AREA STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION To enhance the participation of young people in the economy To provide access to information and create awareness on youth development EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT To facilitate and implement skills programme To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality education attainment for the youth To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building 3. RESEARCH AND POLICY To create and produce information and knowledge for better youth development planning and decision making To mobilize and leverage financial resources from key stakeholders To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes 4. GOVERNANCE To establish a credible, efficient and effective organisation
Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI’s 2017/18 Annual target To enhance the participation of young people in the economy Number of youth owned enterprises created through Business Development Support Services 800 Number of beneficiaries supported with key fundamentals for success offered by the NYDA 18,000 Number of jobs created and or sustained through supporting entrepreneurs and enterprises 3,200 Number of jobs facilitated through placements in Job opportunities 5,000 To facilitate and implement skills programme Number of young people skilled to enter the job market 64,500 To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality of education attainment for the youth Number of youth supported to access higher education 500 To provide access to information and create awareness on youth development Number of young people provided with youth development information 1,500,000
Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI’s 2017/18 Annual target To engage young people in Service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building National Youth Service Unit reconfigured to deliver on its mandate Approved NYS structure by Board and 50% of funded vacancies on the structure filled Norms and standards for National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) developed and capacity building interventions provided Approved norms and standards by NYDA Exco 10 capacity building interventions reports National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) Central Information Management System developed An approved concept and functional specification for the management of the Central Information Management System by NYDA Exco Annual planning Framework developed and 2018/19 NYSP plans finalized Developed NYSP Annual Planning Framework and finalisation of the 2018/19 plans NYSP Communication and Marketing Plan developed and implemented Developed the NYSP Communication and marketing plan and phase 1 implemented Number of National Youth Service Programme projects registered 55
Strategic Objective 2017/18 KPI 2017/18 Annual Targets To create and produce information and knowledge for better youth development planning and decision making Number of programme Evaluations and Stakeholder Satisfaction Surveys conducted 8 To mobilize and leverage financial resources form key stakeholders Total value of funds sourced from the public and private sectors to support the youth development programme base R108 million To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes Number of public and private key stakeholders lobbied to implement youth development programmes 10 To establish a credible, efficient and effective organisation ICT Road Map implemented Phase 1 to 4 of the ICT Road Map implemented Human Resources (HR) Strategy reviewed and implemented Phase 1 of the HR Strategy implemented Year 1 of the 3 year Training Plan implemented Year 1 of the Training Plan implemented Implement an Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategy Phase 1 of the Integrated Marketing & Communications Strategy implemented Payment of legitimate Service Provider invoices within the 30 day period 100% of legitimate Service Providers invoices paid within the 30 day period
Medium Term Strategic Frramework outcome Budget allocation Key Programmatic Area Budget allocation 15 / 16 % change 16 / 17 17 / 18 Medium Term Strategic Frramework outcome Economic Participation R46 776 209 27% R59 253 300 16% R68 777 015 Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Education and skills development R51 987 305 43% R74 099 686 1% R74 628 600 Quality basic education & decent employment through inclusive economic growth National Youth Service R20 496 050 177% R56 802 100 R57 112 500 Nation building and social cohesion Service Delivery Channel R31 391 913 -22% R24 611 821 39% R34 140 983 An efficient, effective and development orientated public service Research and Policy R12 371 896 -18% R10 173 573 -4% R9 726 600 Administration R87 716 405 -7% R81 283 719 -2% R79 852 400 Employee costs R189 819 214 -23% R145 529 300 5% R152 461 700 Total R427 289 000 R451 753 500 R476 700 000