National Academy of Public Administration King George County, Virginia March 23, 2017 Environmental Protection Agency Development of Community Affordability Framework For Water and Wastewater Projects National Academy of Public Administration
Project Overview and Expected Outcomes From Today Who we are NAPA is congressionally chartered, independent, and non-partisan Professional Study Team and Panel of Expert Fellows How we work Research and analysis methodology Timeline Final deliverable Scope of the study EPA’s Community Affordability Framework Integrated Planning Approach Role of Cost Benefit Analysis Innovative Solutions to Help Meet CWA Water Quality Standards About the Stakeholder Survey
Project Overview and Expected Outcomes From Today Why we are asking for your input Stakeholder feedback is critical to this process Local governments are directly impacted by Clean Water Act requirements Each local government has its own story We can’t do this alone! How you can make the most impact Take the survey Share the link and encourage others to participate Participate in discussion for the remainder of our time
Questions for discussion How can we best reflect diverse impacts, constraints, competing issues of local governments? Use of the EPA Financial Capability Assessment framework to make the case for greater flexibility in compliance schedules Is it adequate? If you have used it, did you present additional information to make the case for limitations on financial capability? How can/should it be improved? Integrated planning If you used it, what was the scope? What was the result? Did it change the approach or timeline for compliance?
Questions for discussion Innovative Solutions Financing Use of innovative approaches to financing compliance obligations Barriers? What is needed to enable them? Potential state or federal roles? Green Infrastructure Have you planned or implemented green infrastructure projects to reduce compliance costs? Rate Structures and Consumer Assistance Programs Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis? Have you used it to make the case for alternative CWA investments? How? Scope of costs and benefits considered?
Please feel free to contact us: Sylvia Tognetti – Project director: Brenna Isman – For more information about the National Academy of Public Administration, please visit our website at Thank you for your time!