The Museum project (1996 – 2006) Photo database– a common, event centric ”multimedia resource” 21. April 2006 Jon Holmen & Christian-Emil Ore Unit for digital documentation , Faculty of Arts, University of Oslo
Photo collections at the universities Cultural history photo -University History -Art History - Recent Cultural History -Archaeology photo field work artefacts Natural History photo -Field Work - Object Sum 1-2 000 000 traditonal analog photos
Tasks Data-analysis/-modelling Implementation User Interface (by externals) Loading of data Testing Teaching Maintenance Development
Data-analysis/-modelling Most time consuming part of development Discussions with staff Analysis of data Design of data model
Data model Initial, simple model (NYK Tromsø 1998): Motif description - place - objects - situation - timestamp Photo -photographer -owner -format -title - etc Photo copies -format -height -width -file path
Then all the disciplines were introduced: Cultural history photo -University History -Art History - Recent Cultural History -Archaeology photo field work artefacts Natural History photo -Field Work - Object Sum 1-2 000 000 traditonal analog photos
Data modelling – 1998 All photos in a common database Content information in local schemata/databases: Local discipline specific databases Common photo database Motif description - place - objects - situation - timestamp Photo -photographer -place -timestamp -owner -format -title Photo copies -format -height -width -file path
Which discipline specific scheme?
Which discipline specific scheme?
Which discipline specific scheme?
Which discipline specific schema?
Information - cataloguing photographer: Henning Siverts Year: 1966 Country: Norway Keywords in motif: Chapel, road, feince, field, car, sea, living hous, barn, gate. Other information: Centre, the chapel. Outline: 131 Geographic location 241 general agriculture 342 house for living 343 barns, 346 Buildings for religious activity and education 351 field and garden 491 road and bridges genre: Dokumentary Place: Storfjord,Troms Locality: Skibotn Digital Copies: Resolution: 1950x1920 Bitdepth: 8 Format: JPEG Resolution: 244x240 Bitdepth: 8 Format: JPEG
Data modelling Which discipline?
Data modelling Which Discipline?
Data modelling Which discipline?
Data modell simple Catalogue information in different discipline schemata Local discipline specific database Common photo database Motif description - place - objects - situation - timestamp photo -photografer -place -timestamp -owner -format -title Photo copies -format -height -width -file path Motif description - place - objects - situation - timestamp Motif description - place - objects - situation - timestamp
Data model simple, 1998 Common photo database, photos and copies. Original photo is taken by a photographer. The rest are copies of this original. Or? photo -photografer -place -timestamp -owner -format -title Photo copies -format -height -width -file path photo -photografer -place -timestamp -owner -format -title Photo copies -format -height -width -file path photo -photografer -place -timestamp -owner -format -title Photo copies -format -height -width -file path
Data modelling Created by a photographer or a facsimile/scan?
Data modelling Identical photos?
Event centric: Source– recording- result Data model Event centric: Source– recording- result Event ”recording” Types photographing Repro Copying Scanning Media object Types -External -Analogue negative -Analogue positive -Digital photo -Digital copy - …. Media Object Types -Analogue negative -Analogue positive -Digital photo -Digital copy - …. Source of Results in when performed by where Timespan Person Place
Data model Separation of ”information object” and ”information carriers” Media Object a Negative film Event 1 Camera, 1966 Is carrier of Disc. spesific cataloguing Media group -unit Information object Media Object b Paper positive Event 2 Copying, ? Disc. spesific cataloguing Media Object c File from scanner Event 3 Scan, 1997 … Media Object d File Event 4 Adjust., 2004
Data model Which object?
Event centric: Source– recording- result Data model Event centric: Source– recording- result Media Object A Type: Digital copy ”Scream” Source for Event Type: Use of photoshop Media Object D Type: Collage ”The Imsdal man Meets Munch” Results in Media Object B Type: Digital copi: ”The Imsdal man” Source for when Performed by when Timespan Person Place
Data model Multiple sources – collage – new ”media group unit” … -unit A Information- Object ”Skrik” Media Object A Type: Digital copy Media group -unit C Information- Object ”The Imsdal man Meets Munch” Based on Media Object C Type: Digital copy Media group - unit B Information- Object ”The Imsdal man” Media Object B Type: Digital copy
The photo databases System architecture online offline .import/export Photo application on PC -upload -catalogueing -search Disk raid Prosessing by. Eksternal program Tape station Common Mediabase Oracle 9.2 Intermedia Photo application on PC -upload -catalogueing -search Oracle: .import/export KHM’s photoscheme KHM’s photoscheme Photo application on PC -upload -catalogueing -search KHM’s photoscheme
Photo databases: common part Exemplar work flow : Source-> recording-> result Recording a (camera) Media- Object a (original image raw) Recording b (processing software) One Information object Pr. original recording (Work) (Media group unit) Media- Object b (Large tiff) Recording c (image processing server) Media- Object c (Large jpeg) Recording d (image processing server) Media- Object d (Small jpeg)
Photo databases Links and client applications for search: KHM’s schemas in Oracle Common media datebase Oracle Photo card in KHM’s photo db photo 1 (Media group Unit a) Photo card in KHM’s photo db Artefact card in KHM’s archaeology db photo 2 (Media group Unit b) Object card in KHM’s etnograhy db
Photo databases Uploading of photos 1 Image server for Eksemplar generation Oracle photo-software
photodatabasene Backup on- and offline: Digital Original Other copies Tape duplicates tapestation diskraid Digital Original
Her er en oversikt over de scannere vi disponerer: 1 stk Colortrac 4280, A0 - farge 1 stk. Canon DR 7080 C, A3 dokumentscanner/magasinscanner, farge 1 stk Epson 1240 U, flatbed/photoscanner, farge. BERGEN MUSEUM (arkeologi) Fujitsu M3097DG Nikon D-100 digitalkamera (photograferer herbarieark) EDD Fujitsu fi-5650C dokumentskanner Context Chroma XL 42" TROMSØ MUSEUM Olympus E1 digitalt speilreflekskamera (photograferer herbarieark) UNIREG VARDØ KHM/Muspro en samling Epson A3- og A4-skannere. 1/27/2018
Implementering – spesielle behov Lagringssystem for photo Overføring av data Autogenerering av formater
Implementering lagringssystemer for photo online offline Klient tapestasjon Klient diskraid Klient Klient