Study of watermarks from paper factories Third International Conference on Watermarks in Digital Collections In memory of Gerard van Thienen Paper Museum Terras de Santa Maria Paços de Brandão May 26-27, 2016 Study of watermarks from paper factories in Tomar area Maria de São Luiz Carreira, Lisboa.
Study of watermarks from paper factories in Tomar area Watermarks Inventory Handwritten minutes of the Parliamentary Sessions (1821-1910). Portuguese Parliamentary Historical Archives folios endpapers fragments Paper Provenance Date of use 1867-1881
Paper factories along the Nabão River Porto de Cavaleiros Sobreirinho Former cereal watermills Bought by Bartolomeu Testa (Master Paper Making from Prado) Adapted to produce paper Prado 12 th c. cereal mills belonging to the Templar Knights 1710/1715. Lousã Paper Mill 1823 Francisco Roure started paper production Marianaia Former watermills 1839 Started paper production By 1895 was the only unit along the Nabão River that kept its paper production exclusively handmade Matrena former watermills 1900 – Started paper production
Paper Units along River Nabão, Tomar Porto de Cavaleiros Sobreirinho bought in 1882 PRADO Marianaia Matrena 1875. Companhia de Papel do Prado, S.A. (Prado Karton) - Lousã Paper Factory - Marianaia and Sobreirinho Paper Factories, (Tomar) - Vale Maior Paper Factory (Albergaria-a-Velha)
Porto de Cavaleiros Fragments Date of Use: after 1880 WM information: 110 mm Date of Use: after 1880 WM information: Name of Paper Makers Marino & Araujo Quality: Almasso 1st [Porto C] AVALLE [iros] [Tho] MAR Motif: Olive tree (branches) WM Dimensions: > 262mm x 343 mm 112 mm 173 mm 150 mm
Porto de Cavaleiros …a possible reconstruction! PORTO C THO
Sobreirinho Date of Use: 1845 WM characteristics: Motif: Harp THOMAR [18] 44 Testa Italian origin Paper Master at Prado In 1882 bought by Prado; Ceased production shortly after
Prado, < 1844
A “new” element: The crescent Prado A “new” element: The crescent Use: Portuguese Parliament. Handwritten minutes (1876-1881)
Prado WM Variations
Paper Mould. Prado, Thomar WM Variations Use: Endpaper Paper Mould. Prado, Thomar Display at Prado Paper Factory
Prado Paper Mould Display at Prado Paper Factory
Prado WM Use: Endpaper
Marianaia Display at Prado Paper Factory
Marianaia The hight of letterforms are smaller WM motif composition with and without crescent The crescent is thinner (1st quarter) The word “Thomar” with more space between letters
The WM motif: Olive tree branches and the crescent Some considerations: The WM motif: Olive tree branches and the crescent This motif appears also in the WM of other factories: Renova (Torres Novas); Porto de Mós Agricultural country: Rich in olive tree plantations Farmers would sow, prune and reap according to the moon calendar.
Thank you very much for your attention Our presentation is the beginning of a longer study Meanwhile We would like to add these WM to the Bernstein Database