Innovative Hybrid On-Line/On Site Instruction: Leveraging Technology to Improve Learning Success
“In times of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future “In times of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.” (Author Unknown)
Objectives: Identify the evolution of the on-line nursing programs Discuss development of strategies to infuse technology in an on-line and on-ground nursing program Describe the implementation of on-line nursing programs for student success Explore lessons learned when implementing on-line programs
CCBC School of Health Professions 14 Nursing and Allied Health Programs Nursing RN Program on Catonsville – Day RN Program on Essex Campus – Day RN Evening/Weekend Program - Essex Campus RN Evening/Weekend FSH Cohort – Essex Campus RN Online – Catonsville Campus Paramedic to RN online LPN to RN PN Program
Applicants On-Ground Nursing On-Line Nursing Applications - 404 Total Accepted- 176 Qualified Applicants Not Admitted- 113 Applications- 48 Total Accepted- 34 Qualified Applicants not Admitted- 0 W/D Application- 3 Rejected- 11 Declined- 5
Demographics On-Ground On-Line Mean age – 29 Mean age – 30 Race Race 66% Caucasian 17% African-American 9% Asian 1% Hispanic 7% other GPA 2.85 -4.0 Mean age – 29 Race 71% Caucasian 25% African-American 0% Asian 4% Hispanic 0% other GPA 2.5-3.64
Evolution of the On-Line Nursing Program- Rationale Classroom Space Clinical Sites Student Work Schedules Demand for Innovative Scheduling Options Student Financial Constraints Nursing Shortage
Grant Funding Paramedic to RN Online- Health Service Cost Review Commission Grant- Nurse Support Program II Nursing Program Online Dept of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA Grant) MLT Program Online (Dept of Labor Grant)
Strategies for Successful Development and Implementation Dialogue with Ocean County College Faculty release time Faculty development Conference attendance College training centers User friendly software, i.e. Soft Chalk Instructional designer Designate group of faculty to work on a course
Engaging Essential College Resources Enrollment management and students services are essential partners On-line from application to program completion Discussions need to be honest and open The challenge is to deal with internal resistance to outside suggestions
Instructional Designers and Online Learning Management CCBC Partnered with SunGard Higher Education (SGHE) SGHE Instructional designers are a major key to success Faculty development Templated appearance and design Consistent navigation tools
Nursing Program Online Funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
St. Agnes Franklin Square Union Memorial
Online Nursing Program Objectives Recruit and Enroll 96 students (Emphasis on recruitment of minority populations) 24 in Year One 32 in Year Two 40 in Year Three Redesign existing CCBC nursing curriculum for online format Modify delivery to allow for one-day-per-week clinical experience
Nursing Program Online Hybrid Program One day a week – face to face Clinical Nursing Lab Simulation scenarios Seminars Didactic content online Same curriculum with expanded calendar
Online Nursing Program Admission Requirements Completion of all 33 non-nursing credits Completion of pre-entrance exam- Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Minimum GPA of 2.5 Recent direct patient care experience Successful interview/writing sample Computer and internet access
NURN 151 Foundations of Nursing Concepts F2F Successful Rate 82% Online Success Rate 87%
NURN 152 Foundations of Nursing Concepts F2F Successful Rate 82% Online Success Rate 71%
What are the positive things about being an on-line student? Student Perspective What are the positive things about being an on-line student?
Student Perspective “I am still able to work and go to school, it fits my schedule” “I can read the material as often as I want and at my own pace” “You don’t have to physically go to school as much” “It is flexible”
What things did you find difficult or didn’t work for you? Student Perspective What things did you find difficult or didn’t work for you?
Student Perspective -Negatives “It is hard to pick out the most important points without the face to face lecture” “The 12 hour day was too long, we didn’t function well after clinical” “Finding time for lab practice was hard” “I miss the personal stories and examples given by the lecturer”
Lessons Learned- Development Presentation of content online Content must be congruent with identified learning outcomes Lack of experience with online delivery of nursing content Time constraints
Example Module Soft Chalk
Lessons Learned- Implementation One day a week requirement Student orientation Seminars Skills testing and lab time Acculturation to the nursing profession Assimilation with nursing students Access to nursing program resources Health care experience requirement
Positive Outcomes Faculty Increased knowledge of pedagogy related to on-line delivery of content Transfer of innovative pedagogy to face to face format Fostered creativity and alternative teaching methods Impact on nursing shortage
Positive Outcomes Students Access Similar Outcomes Increased writing opportunities Self paced learning Valued the flexibility Cohesive and supportive of peers
Paramedic to RN Program
Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC Grant) “Distance Education for Paramedic to RN Students” -- $295,005 Purpose – to address Initiative 1 to expand Maryland’s nursing capacity through shared resources Partnership with Allegheny College and Chesapeake College
Paramedic to RN Online Hybrid Online course Initiated Paramedic to RN Online course Summer 2008
Paramedic to RN Online Access for Central, Eastern, and Western regions of the State of Maryland
Paramedic to RN Online Hybrid Program Clinical Nursing Lab Simulation scenarios Seminars Didactic content online
Paramedic to RN Online Credit for experience and prior knowledge Credit for the course Advanced standing Schedule options for second year of program Advanced standing -- students enter second year of nursing program upon successful completion of the course Option to continue second year in online, evening/weekend, or day program
Paramedic to RN Online Pitfalls and Challenges Difficult to guarantee a specific number of students Lack of Initial “pipeline” for Admissions Resistance from Firehouses Content delivery Role Change
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