California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program (CTEIG) Frequently Asked Questions For Future and Veteran CTEIG Grantees Good Morning Welcome to the webinar on the new CTE Incentive Grant Program I am ____________________________________ With me are _______________________________ And today we will cover the requirements of the CTE Incentive grant application. As we go through the presentation, please write down (webinar only: type in your questions) and we will respond to them during our question sections. We will also pause during certain sections to allow for questions.
CTEIG Timeline Will be posted on All CTEIG Recipients Due Dates CTEIG Annual Fiscal Report with Matching Funds October of each grant year Annual Progress Report and Renewal funding application December of each grant year Round 2 New Funding (July 1, 2016–June 30, 2018) CTEIG Part I open for new applicants July 2016 - Tentative CTEIG Part II Request for Applications (RFA) opened for new applicants State Board of Education (SBE) meeting to approve new applicants September 2016 Grant Award Notification (GAN) letters to new applicants October 2016 Round 2 Renewal Funding (March 1, 2017–June 30, 2018) Renewal awardees list to SBE March 2017 GAN letters to renewal applicants April 2017 Will be posted on
When does the school get the money? The first 50% of the award has been sent to the grantees if CDE has received a signed Grant Award Notification (GAN). Once the CTEIG trailer bill, currently in the state legislature, is voted on and a revised GAN will be sent to the grantees. Once returned to CDE, the remainder of the funding will be sent to the grantees.
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Do CTEIG grantees need to submit budget revisions to CDE? NO!!!
CTE Teacher Credentials Credential Requirements – If a teacher does not possess the appropriate CTE credential, the grantee cannot expend CTEIG monies on this teacher’s program. CDE is reviewing all CTE teacher credentials for LEA’s applying for Perkins. This will also extend to CTEIG grantees. Incentive payments for getting a credential – If a teacher works to get the correct credential, grantees may create incentive contracts to pay the teachers for their time AFTER they have completed the CTE credential and submitted it to the county. The purpose of the grant is to a) Encourage new CTE programs and b) Maintain current CTE programs during implementation of the school district and charter school local control funding formula (LCFF). All LEA’s are eligible for this program regardless of whether they are currently offering CTE programs or not.
Middle School CTE Programs Wheel exploratory classes – career exploration, outreach for secondary career pathways, CTEIG only, NO PERKINS Pathway specific courses – articulated with the secondary program, must have CTE credentialed teacher, may also fund with Perkins. The funding levels for the three terms of the grant are designed to assist LEAs with transition to the full LCFF implementation. As the grant unfolds, applicants will receive less money from the state and with an increase in the required matching funds to enhance and maintain the CTE programs. One of the deliverables required to renew the grant will be a sustainability budget for three years beyond the end of the grant.
What can be purchased with CTEIG? CONSUMABLES!!!!!! Equipment, Supplies, Instructional Materials Capital Improvements for CTE facilities Professional Development The list of Non-Allowable expenditures can be found on and will be on the CDE CTEIG webpage soon.
CTEIG Required Forms Capital Outlay Forms – This form must be sent to the CDE Regional Consultant for approval prior to making the purchase of any equipment over $5000. These forms can be found on the CDE website and on
CTE Construction/Modernization Projects CDE must approve all construction projects using CTEIG funds. Send the following information to your CDE Regional Consultant Justification – How does this improve, enhance, or expand the CTE pathway? Is it reasonable and necessary? How is it different than other site facilities? Scope of work and quote for the projects CDE will review the request and may approve part or all of the project.
Reporting Requirements There are two required reports for CTEIG Grantees: Annual Fiscal Expenditure Reports – Due every year in October even if nothing has been expended in the 2015-16 fiscal year. This will include matching funds and a narrative describing what was charged to CTEIG. Annual Progress Report – Due every December. The following groups are eligible to apply for CTE Incentive Grant funding: School Districts County Offices of Education Charter Schools with an active charter number Regional occupational centers or programs operated by joint powers authorities (JPAs). JPAs must complete a similar (MOU) authorizing one agency to act as the fiscal authority for CTE Incentive grant funds. Templates for the MOU is located in the appendix of the RFA Part II.
CTEIG Annual Fiscal Expenditure Report The CTEIG funds require a match of local funds. These must be real dollars, not in-kind matches. Applicants must show how they will match CTEIG funds based on the schedule on the screen. Matching funds may come from the following: Perkins funds, California Partnership Academies, Agricultural Incentive Grant Funds, Local control funds, and any other funds that are directly spent on CTE programs. The only excluded source of matching funds is the California Career Pathways Trust grants. This grant CANNOT be used as a match for the CTE Incentive Grant.
CTEIG Annual Progress Report This report is due every December. It is an excel document requiring the following information: Description of progress made toward meeting the 11 elements of a high quality CTE program. List of Advisory Board Members and contact information Description of Technical Assistance Contacts CTEIG Renewal and Matching Funds Assurances and Superintendent Signature Page This will not be completed on PGMS!!!! Local funds used as match will be verified and must be goal coded 3800 in the district fiscal reporting. LEA’s may use CTE teacher salaries as part of the match but only for those teachers who hold a valid CTE credential.
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Renewing your CTEIG grant award By completing all the sections of the Progress Report, grantees will be considered for grant renewal. For Round 2 the match is $1.50 to $1.00 of grant funding. Funding will be based on all renewals being submitted and the number of new applicants.
Working with CTEIG Technical Assistance Contractors Did you complete your survey? As a recipient of the CTEIG award, grantees are required to participate in activities with the technical assistance providers.
Questions This is our final Question and Answer section. We will answer as many questions as possible during the remaining time. If we do not answer your question, please email your question to one of the consultants previously listed or the unit Manager Carolyn Zachry. Thank you for participating in todays CTE Incentive Grant Webinar.