Year 1 Term 4 English Assessment 2 Part 1: English Assessment Record Sheet Record the student’s response by circling C (correct) or INC (incorrect). Print this document for each student. Student Name: ________________________________________ Date:_______________ Learning Objective: ACELA 1439. 2 Recognise words that rhyme. 1 Teacher says, “Do the words bug and cup rhyme? Yes or No?” Answer is either correct or incorrect. Question Numbers Points Possible Student Response Phonemic Awareness C=correct INC-incorrect ACELA 1457.5 Produce rhyming words. 1 C INC ACELA 1457.7 & 1457.8 Segment and blend words. 2a 2b ACELA 1457.3 Identify medial sounds. 3 ACELA 1457.6 Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 5 6 7 Phonics ACELA 1459.3 Read words with letter patterns. 8 9 10 High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development ACELA 1778.2 Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 11 12 13 Reading Comprehension ACELY 1664.1 write using a computer 14 ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing 15a 15b 16 17 ACELA 1450.1 Identify ways text is organised. 18 0 1 2 3 Cumulative Review ACELY 1658.4 Identify the purpose of the text 19 ACELT 1584.4 Describe the plot of a story 20 21 ACELT 1581.2 Describe characters. 22 ACELA 1451.1 Identify simple sentences. 23 2 0 1 2 24 ACELA 1446.1 Determine the purpose of a sentence. 25 Total 25 30 _________/30 Text Question Numbers Points Possible Student Response Phonemic Awareness C=correct INC-incorrect ACELA 1457.5 Produce rhyming words. 1 C INC ACELA 1457.7 & 1457.8 Segment and blend words. 2a 2b ACELA 1457.3 Identify medial sounds. 3 ACELA 1457.6 Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 5 6 7 Phonics ACELA 1459.3 Read words with letter patterns. 8 9 10 High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development ACELA 1778.2 Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 11 12 13 Reading Comprehension ACELY 1664.1 Write using a computer. 14 ACELY 1662.3 Revise writing. Music Band 15a 15b 16 17 ACELA 1450.1 Identify ways text is organised. 18 0 1 2 3 ACELY 1658.4 Identify the purpose of the text. Buzz 19 ACELT 1584.4 Describe the plot of a story. 20 21 ACELT 1581.2 Describe characters. 22 Grammar ACELA 1451.1 Identify simple sentences. 23 2 0 1 2 24 ACELA 1446.1 Determine the purpose of a sentence. 25 Total (Part 1) 27 30 _____/30
Year 1 Term 4 Phonics & Letter Formation Assessment 2 Record Sheet Student Name: ________________________________________ Date:_______________ Phonics Assessment ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. (R-controlled pattern) ACELA 1458.6 Read words with consonant blends. ACELA 1459.1 Identify short vowels ACELA 1459.2 Identify long vowels. ACELA 1458.3 Read words with digraphs and trigraphs. ACELA 1459.3 Identify letters that make more than one sound. Write a + if the student says the letter pattern sound correctly. Write a – if the student says the letter pattern sound incorrectly. Letter Patterns er ir or air ear ur ar are cr bl Sound Phonics Assessment (continued) Write a + if the student says the letter pattern sound correctly. Write a – if the student says the letter pattern sound incorrectly. Letter Patterns sn sk short oo long ow oy ng sh Sound ______ /18 Total (Part 2) ______ / 18 Part 1 _________/30 Part 2 _________/ 18 Total Score __________ / 48