What's the problem with Acid rain? By: Cailey A. Shuler
What is acid rain? Acid Rain is rain that has been contaminated with chemicals, smoke, and other things that have been released into the air. These chemicals are VERY bad for humans to breath. This is also extremely odious for fish and other creatures that drink the water in streams. This water can kill the animals.
I have used this picture three times now you probably are wondering “ What do you mean” every time you see this picture, so I am going to tell you why I am putting this picture. So in the picture you see smoke or pollution going into the clouds, next you see it raining, you are probably thinking why is raining so bad. Well here is your answer its not any ordinary rain ITS ACID RAIN!!! The “rain” is getting into the stream which can kill the fish, and if you don’t think this is bad then think about this if there is no fish then we cant eat fish, we cant go fishing and NO LONG JOHN SILVERS!!!!!! So as you can see this picture shows the proses of acid rain. What do you mean?
How have humans had an impact on acid rain? Humans also have to do with the causes of acid rain. First of all humans work at power plants, factory's and almost all humans drive cars. All of these factors are causes of acid rain. A car ( when driven ) can release car exhaust ( combined gasses that are released from the tail pipe of a car such as N2, CO2, H2O, and O2) which are considered major pollutants this very bad because when it gets in our atmosphere it makes Acid rain. How have humans had an impact on acid rain? This is a power plant that is releasing horrible chemicals into the air which gets into the clouds which can cause acid rain. An example of a power plant is Champion is Canton
What have We done? Humans have made acid rain worse , with pollution , driving so many cars , smoking and not recycling. If humans would reduce doing all of these things we would have a lot less acid rain. I'm not saying people should stop driving and all of that just not do it as much.
What Happened When humans stared doing all of these things a lot of change started to happen, such as fish dying because of acid rain and rivers being contaminated. A lot of the acid rain that we get has been caused by humans, I'm not saying humans are causing all of the acid rain, but we have increased it.
What can we Do? There are solutions to this outrageous problem. First of all, we could ride buses more often that would reduce a lot of gases and fumes that cars let out because there would be less cars going. Another thing is scientist's have found a different way to reduce acid rain you could wash coal to reduce sulfur or use coal that has less sulfur. We could recycle more
A Thing you should know? Acid rain traverses threw streams creeks and other bodys of water which kills fish and other creatures in the water Acid rain is extremely grotesque
A few pictures
What do you think? Now its YOUR turn!!!!! Do you have any ways that we could reduce acid rain? What do you think?
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We should venerate the World what does Thanks for listening
Words to know Venerate - Respect Singular – One of a find Grotesque – Not good /gross Odious – Horrible Traverses – Transfer
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