Environmental Sustainability Program Overview Report Kennett Township Sustainable Development Office Michael Guttman, Environmental Sustainability Director 9/21/16
Basic Background …. plus a couple acronymns Sustainable Development Office (SDO) – an executive team, reporting to the Township Manager, whose goal is to promote the Township’s economic, environmental, financial and social development in a sustainable way. Environmental Sustainability Program (ESP) – a set of initiatives, managed by the Environmental Sustainability Director of the SDO, designed to protect and enhance the natural environment of the township for the overall protection and benefit of the community.
Current Initiatives Kennett Greenway – develop a 12M land corridor with multi-use trails looping through Kennett Township and connecting to Kennett Square, neighboring municipalities and regional trail systems. aka “Red Clay Creek Greenway.” Active Transportation – improve our transportation infrastructure and policies to make it safer and easier to walk or ride a bike to work, school, shopping, parks, etc., all over Kennett Township. Land Stewardship – proactively encourage more ecologically beneficial and sustainable land management practices across the township. Indoor Agriculture – leverage the extensive existing infrastructure of our world-class mushroom industry to support the introduction of a wide range of other year-round indoor crops such as greens, herbs, and fruits.
Kennett Greenway - Strategy Create a 12M contiguous ‘hike and bike’ trail backbone along a corridor of preserved open space looping through the township Link the backbone to residential and commercial areas via spur trails to create a truly connected community Link the backbone to nearby municipalities and regional trail systems in PA, DE, and MD Fund all of this primarily through grants and partnerships, coordinated with open space acquisitions.
Kennett Greenway - Key Benefits Contribute significantly to public health, environmental protection, traffic mitigation and public safety. Create a safe and convenient paths for walkers, hikers, and bikers to enjoy our world-class nature preserves, parks, historical sites, and other outdoor attractions. Complement, leverage and connect to Kennett Township’s largest and most famous tourist attraction, Longwood Gardens, as well as other nearby Chester County and New Castle County (DE) attractions. Show the power of a major public/private partnership with extensive community support.
Kennett Greenway – Current Projects Trail Backbone Chandler Mill Bridge Chandler Mill Trail Parrish/Whittle Trail Bayard Taylor Gateway @ Pennock Park Magnolia Trail Community Access Spurs Penns Manor Trail McFarlan Sidewalk South St. Trail 2 3 4 5 1 A B C
Kennett Greenway – Current Major Partners Penn Trails Nationally recognized planning consultant Brandywine Creek Greenway Regional open space and trails consortium The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC) Planning, construction, easements Kennett Square Borough Kennett Area Parks and Recreation Board (KAPRB) Kennett Trail Alliance (KTA) Overall concept planning 2 3 4 5 1 A B C
Active Transportation - Strategy Develop a detailed inventory and assessment of existing and planned trails and bikeways. Identify and implement low-cost improvements to trails, bikeways, sidewalks and roadways to make walking and biking easier to major destinations. With community input, develop a comprehensive long-term plan to continuously promote, improve and expand the active transportation infrastructure. Require and/or encourage all future residential and commercial development to conform to that plan. Fund primarily through grants and partnerships.
Active Transportation- Key Benefits Contribute significantly to public health, protection of the environment, traffic mitigation and public safety. Better connect our local communities with each other and with Kennett Borough, our major urban center. Encourage sustainable economic and land development that supports active transportation alternatives. Support children, the elderly, and other disadvantaged populations, who depend on walking and biking. Show the power of a major public/private partnership with extentive community support.
Active Transportation– Current Major Partners Alta Planning and Design National recognized planning consultant The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC) Overall concept planning and implementation Trail and bikeway sharing Kennett Square Borough Roadway, sideway, trail and bikeway sharing Kennett Trail Alliance (KTA) Overall concept planning PA DCED Municipal assistance program (MAP) grant applied for
Land Stewardship - Strategy Develop a detailed assessment of the existing state of land stewardship in Kennett Township and surrounding communities based on national and regional best practices Identify and implement low-cost programs that would encourage land owners and managers to follow best practices, customized to their specific situation. With community input, develop a comprehensive long-term plan to continuously promote best practices. Fund all of this primarily through grants and partnerships.
Land Stewardship - Key Benefits Contribute significantly to the environmental protection of open space and natural resources across the township and the region Contribute significantly to overall public health Encourage environmentally sustainable economic development in such areas as agriculture, recreation and tourism. Show the power of a major public/private partnership with extentive community support.
Land Stewardship – Some Potential Partners Longwood Gardens Brandywine Conservancy The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC) Stroud Water Research Center Penn State West Chester University University of Delaware ….
Indoor Agriculture - Strategy Research current technology, operations and economics of emerging ‘green’ indoor agriculture. Analyze feasibility of leveraging the mushroom industry’s extensive existing infrastructure to support growing ‘green’ indoor crops locally. With industry and community input, develop a comprehensive long-term plan to promote the Kennett area as a national center for indoor agriculture production, distribution, and research. Fund all of this primarily through grants and partnerships.
Indoor Agriculture - Key Benefits Minimal land use; can be placed almost anywhere Year round production; up to 20+ crops per year Much greater output per physical area and worker than conventional or greenhouse farms Protected from weather conditions and pests Minimal pesticide/herbicide use; often organic Minimal water use; significant (95%) recycling Reliably consistent product quality Reduced transportation requirements
Indoor Agriculture – Current Major Partners Pietro Mushrooms Overall concept planning Southmill Mushrooms Penn State University Overall concept planning and education University of Delaware …..