Campus.Visit Mobile technologies for instant field employees support
What is this? How can we improve field employees efficiency using the mobile app? Easy reach of any presentation materials Online support Filling out the order forms, client’s profiles, inspection certificates and sending photo and video reports – as quick as possible All client interaction information gets immediately processed in the main office, which makes it possible to analyze employees’ actions, see their strengths and weaknesses, plan optimal routes and visit algorithms. For department with a large staff of sales representatives and agents
For whom this system is for Medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies: visiting pharmacy stores, doctors, clinics Sales representatives of FMCG companies: controlling the products’ layout on storefronts, product promotion Promoters of FMCG companies (tobacco products, alcohol): running interviews with clients in public places, controlling the «potential client interview tree» passage Retail chains employees: store inspections Insurance agents: filling out cars and real estate inspection certificates
Clients registry Precise and complete client information Ranging clients by categories and location Scheduling visits
Planning visits Making a visits schedule for any time period Making optimal routes Movement control and work time optimization
Visits history History of past visits, orders and notes about completed presentations/reports Correlation analysis by attendance rate, product popularity, loyalty of target audience
During the visit Quick order/inspection form filling out Attaching photo reports to the form margins Library of presentation materials for demonstration to the client’s representatives Online chat with experts in the office
After the visit Calculating bonus earned («How much did I make today?») Meetings dynamics analysis («Ups and downs of the day») Additional training, testing and taking part in social campaigns (see Campus.School) Grading and rewarding proactive behavior
Analytics Summary reports on sales dynamics – by regions, products, client types, individual employees Correlational strengths and weaknesses analysis («which of the employees is better at something») Promo materials’ efficiency and communication with client analysis Making decisions about additional training All information about the «field» situation in real time is in your hands!
Advantages Improving employees’ efficiency Saving time Decreasing the amount of mistakes Training at the same time with doing practical work Motivating employees Routine takes minimum time Feeling the constant support The image of an innovative company Optimizing business processes Making decisions faster Monitoring and analyzing «weak points Improving communications and strengthening discipline