AQA GCSE Geography
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? One GCSE Two year course Three exams at the end of Year 11 Four units of study
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? One GCSE Graded from 9 to 1
Two year course Fieldwork in Year 10 and 11 AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Two year course Fieldwork in Year 10 and 11 Physical Human
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Three exams 1. Physical environment 1 hour 30 mins; 88 marks; 35% of final mark 2. Human environment Geographical applications (fieldwork & skills) 1 hour 15 mins; 76 marks; 30% of final mark
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Four units of study Unit 1: Physical Environment Section A: Challenge of natural hazards (Year 11) Natural hazards Tectonic hazards Weather hazards Climate change Section B: The living world (Year 10) Ecosystems Tropical rainforests Cold environments Section C: Physical landscapes in UK (Year 10) UK landscapes Coasts Rivers
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Four units of study Unit 2: Human environment Section A: Urban issues and challenges (Year 10) Section B: The changing economic world (Year 10/11) Section C: The challenge of resource management (Year 11)
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Four units of study Unit 3: Geographical applications Section A: Issue evaluation (Year 11) Any content from unit 1 and 2. Resource booklet available 12 weeks before the exam Preparation time available Section B: Fieldwork (Year 10 & 11) Two pieces to be completed and you can be tested on either
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Four units of study Unit 4: Geographical skills (Throughout the two years) Cartographic skills (maps) Graphical skills (graphs and charts) Numerical skills (area, scale) Statistical skills (%, median, mode, mean) Types of data (qualitative, quantitative) Communication (write for different purposes) Literacy (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Expectations To reinforce the Academy expectations, we, as the Geography department, expect you to: Try your very best – both in the classroom and for home learning activities Arrive with the correct equipment – exercise book, homework, pen, pencil, ruler Control inappropriate behaviour so you maximise your learning and that of your peers Look after any Academy property eg atlases, text books, pencil crayons Revise thoroughly for practice questions and PPEs
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Rewards Exceeding expectations and meeting, or even exceeding your target grade will be met with a variety of rewards, for example: Vivo points, for example - excellent homework, contribution in class Multiple vivos for achieving (2) & exceeding target grade (5) in exam questions Emails to HOY for congratulations Nomination for student of the month
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying? Sanctions If you are unable to meet the expectations required, there are a number of consequences that may be applied: Verbal warnings – using C1, C2, C3 sanction scheme Asking you to repeat any work that is not up to standard Resits for exams where you do not achieve your target Detentions for persistent poor behaviour / lack of effort Emails to HOY to inform of lack of progress Phone call home to inform parents / carers of issue Requesting meetings with parents / HOY / Senior teachers
AQA GCSE Geography – what will I be studying?