Brandon Kipphut and Ted Zhai Open Pilot Brandon Kipphut and Ted Zhai Open Pilot EE 587
Overview Copter Control vs. Revolution model boards Ground control software features Applications Open Pilot EE 587
Copter Control vs. Revolution Two boards that both are compatible with same ground software Both cater to the open source community Open Pilot strives to make technology accessible by keeping costs down through a non-profit operating strategy Open Pilot EE 587
Copter Control STM32-bit microcontroller with 128KB Flash and 20KB RAM 4MB EEPROM 3-Axis gyros and 3-Axis accelerometer 36mmX36mm 4 layer PCB Plug and play USB interface, no drivers required Spektrum Satellite support Futaba S-BUS support Open Pilot EE 587
Copter Control continued 6 PWM input channels or combined PPM, 4 PWM output channels 10 PWM outputs for servos Also has an updated version “CC3D” with minor updates that are said to improve performance Open Pilot EE 587
Revolution Similar to Copter Control STM32FA micro-controller with FPU Ten degrees of freedom magnetometer, gyroscope, accelerometer and pressure sensors 1 MB flash and 192 KB Ram Processor is significantly faster than one on Copter Control Open Pilot EE 587
Revolution continued Specialized add-ons available including, OpenPilot GPS, OpenPilotFOSS JTAG, and OPLink RF Modem Open Pilot EE 587
Sensor Specs Altitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS) combines gyros, accelerometers, and compasses onto one chip Onboard Extended Kalman filter reports angles and 300hz Open Pilot EE 587
Specs cont. • Gyros: ±400° per second • Accelerometer: ±3g Data Rates Part Numbers • Gyros: ±400° per second • Accelerometer: ±3g • 3-axis Gyroscope array: IDG-500 and ISZ-500 • 3-axis Accelerometer: ADXL345 Open Pilot EE 587
Compared to Pixhawk Price = $129.95 Size = 36x36mm Price = $279.99 Open Pilot EE 587
Ground Control Software GCS allows for pre flight calibration of board for magnetometer, sensor noise, accelerometer bias, and gyro temperature drift. Also allows for flight planning by clicking to add way points or explicitly name GPS points Open Pilot EE 587
Applications Developed as a suitable platform for aerial photography and video applications Both cater to the open source community Open Pilot strives to make technology accessible by keeping costs down through a non-profit operating strategy Open Pilot EE 587
20km Autonomous Flight Revolution board used to control the Phantom Flying Wing Stock antenna on board was used with ground control software to update telemetry Had full communication up to 6km and some packet loss up to 10km Video Open Pilot EE 587
Sochi Ski and Snowboarding Shots Team Black Sheep used an Open Pilot controlled quad rotor to film the ski and snowboarding competitions for the Olympic Games Open Pilot EE 587