SOAREX VII Mission Design, construct, test, and fly an ultralight (<1kg) atmospheric entry and descent microprobe carrying instrumentation to measure acceleration and atmospheric structure from 100 km to the surface.
Flight Sequence Modify each text box so that they are bulleted lists
Design Specifications GENERAL SPECIFIC ACCEPTABLE Survivability Must withstand impact Withstand 10 Gs Must survive in ocean Pass a dunk test with no leaks Must survive heating Internal temperature <85°C Parachute must remain secure Connection can withstand 50-lbf of tension Recovery Contain radio transmitter Must transmit at least 10 miles Easy to visually locate Can be seen by eye from 100m Measurements Pressure .00001atm - 1atm with error < ±2% Accelerometer Three axis system; ± 10 Gs Temperature -100°C to 1500°C ±0.5°C Sample rate > 10Hz Physical Properties Weight ~1 kg Size 4 inch diameter 12 inches long Internal shape Must not deform more than 2% of diameter Buoyant Must float indefinitely Center of mass (C.O.M.) Centered along flight axis C.O.P. at least 1 inch above C.O.M Deployment Turn on once released Reed Switch Data Storage Must hold all data collected 1 GB of storage
Reentry Modeling
Design Solution Mechanical Components Body Design Nose Cone Assembly Electrical Components Microprocessor/PCB Sensors Transmitter Power Supply
Mechanical Components
Body Design
Nose Cone Design Add a top view from solidworks of the nose cone
Assembly End Caps secured with 4 screws each Nose Cone secured with 4 screws to end cap Antenna attached to BNC connector Internal foam secures electrical components Protection against vibration damage End Caps secured with 4 screws each Nose Cone secured with 4 screws to end cap Antenna attached to BNC connector Internal foam secures electrical components Protection against vibration damage Waterproof Connectors Pressure sensors and TC inside nose cone
Mechanical Testing and Evaluation Float Test Most Likely Failure Modes Insufficient Buoyancy Eye-hook Fracture Pressure Seal Leakage
Electrical Components
Electrical Layout
Software Flow Chart
Microprocessor and PCB Rabbit RCM4300 Programmed with C code Data stored on Flash Card Custom-made Printed Circuit Board created with EAGLE software
Sensors Accelerometer Thermocouple Pressure Transducer (x2) Up to 10 G’s Thermocouple Connect with Cold Junction compensator Pressure Transducer (x2) Up to 15 psi
Transmitter Power Supply 2 Li-SOCl2 Batteries 3.3 Volts Each Operational Life: ~11 hours Telonics MK8 Controlled Pulse Frequency: 163 MHz
Electrical Testing and Evaluation Transmitter Test Most Likely Failure Modes Solder Point Weakness Magnetic Switch Batteries Run Out of Power Float Test had dummy weight of 4 batteries Transmitter Test was done with an ______________ oscilloscope
Flight Model Show Mass Model at the end of the presentation?