Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2 3W – Miss Warner & Mrs Jones 4S – Mrs Shenton & Mrs Hollingworth 4L – Miss Lapsley & Mrs Jones
PE 3W – Tuesday and Wednesday 4S – Thursday 4L – Tuesday PE kit : white or yellow top, black shorts, trainers/ pumps Please can all items be named No jewellery Hair bobbles for long hair
Swimming 3W – swimming will start in February 4S – swimming on a Friday morning from now until February 4L – swimming on a Thursday morning all year (We leave at 8:40 so please be on time) By the end of the year, all 3 classes will have been swimming for a year and a half. Goggles – permission slip needs to be completed Swimming caps – for long hair
Reading In school , all children will participate in daily guided reading sessions. Not all children will have 1:1 reading daily. ERIC will take place in each class for 20 minutes each week. At home, we expect all children to be reading to an adult at least 3 times a week. Please write in reading record so that this can be monitored. If reading at least 3 times a week, children can be entered into Mystery Star Prize. Children may be given book reviews to check understanding. Please could you ask questions about what is being read, and discuss the book with your child.
Homework – topic projects Each class will send home a topic based sheet where children are asked to complete at least 2 of the tasks listed. Children will have half a term to complete these tasks. Can be done independently or as a family activity.
Weekly homework Spellings and basic number skills will be given out in a homework book on a Monday. This is to be completed and returned by Friday. We ask if you could test your child on their times tables and spellings to check their understanding and quick recall. If homework is not completed, children will be asked to stay in on a Thursday lunchtime to complete. If homework is not completed 3 times, a conduct log will be given.
Home learning Along with the completion of weekly homework and reading, we ask that you could try and regularly ask your child questions about: Telling the time Time tables facts Spelling of HFW
Lunchtime routines Children with sandwiches from home: 3W – eat in class Year 4 classes – eat in CLA This is to help with congestion and space in the hall for children who have hot meals.
Daily Mile Each class will complete the daily mile every morning. Children will work towards a personal best, and add up how many miles are completed as a class throughout the year. Children are given the option to walk or run.
What not to bring into school We ask that all toys including fidget spinners are to be left at home. If classes are having a “show and tell” session, they will be told with notice, when to bring in things. Pencil cases – we ask that children keep these in trays if they have them, and will be allowed to use them during topic and art lessons.
MFL & Music This year, all Lower Key Stage 2 classes will be learning French for half an hour a week. All classes will be learning to play a musical instrument: 3W – violins (will be allowed to take home at the end of term to practice) 4L and 4S - recorders
Queries or questions We ask that if you have any questions or matters that you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher about, please could you make an appointment at the office rather than coming to the teacher at the start and end of the day. This is to help with safety procedures about who is in school, and also to ensure that all children are dismissed safely at the end of the day. With this in mind, could we please remind parents and carers not to come into school with your child in the morning.
Parentpay system After the half term, we will be using a new cashless system for school dinners and toast. This makes it easier and more efficient to pay for things online rather than children bringing it into school. More details will be given about this on a letter next week.