MARX, LENIN AND MAO: Communist Revolutions Marxist theory on revolutions and their outcomes
The World View of Karl Marx The educational experience of Marx German Philosophy and Hegel French Revolutionary experience British economics Three Motifs in Karl Marx: Romantic: Critique of Industrialism Promethean: The Role of the Philosopher Enlightenment-Rationalist: The Power of Capitalism & Science
The Communist Manifesto Forces of unrest in Europe Socialist critique of bourgeois society The departure of Marx: seminal argument The significance of the Manifesto Images in the Manifesto: specter; bourgeois v. proletarians; alienation; dictatorship of proletariat
Alienation and Freedom Alienated labor Worker as commodity Dehumanization and human creativity Revolution as Transcendence Five Concepts of alienated labor: Product of labor Object of structural forces Cog in machinery Deformed human identity Organic connection to nature
Lenin & the Revolution Revolution: the one and only goal Lenin & totalitarianism No neutrals in revolution Exaggeration and distortion Lenin: revolutionary morality
The Chinese Revolution in Perspective 19th Century Precursors—the decline of Imperial China The history of rebellion in China The evolution of dynastic change Mandarin Society The Manchu Dynasty and the J-curve Modernizing Ideas Japanese invasion, civil war and the rise of Mao Zedong & the communists
Communism in the 20th Century: Summary The Ideas of Karl Marx Lenin, socialism & Marx Lenin’s 3 innovations: The cadre/vanguard party Theory of Imperialism The State & Revolution Why Russia and Agrarian society?
Aftermath & Consequences Rise of Guerilla War & Peasant Revolutions One Party State Responses to Modernization The Tragedy of Lenin’s Strategies Universal Applications: Critique of the West Imperialism Neo-colonialism Corporatism Dependency Theory Cold War Sovereignty & nationalism