CALPADS Updates June 2017
Contact Information Brandi Jauregui Senior Info. Systems Analyst CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office 916-327-7367
Agenda End-of Year Submission Updates CTE Issues Discipline reminders Absence Summary Issues Accountability Dashboard and CALPADS Data Fall 1 and Fall 2 Updates CASEMIS to CALPADS Updates ESSA Teacher Data Collection Update General updates and discussion
2016-17 EOY Reminders and Issues
EOY Deadline Extended August 25, 2017 There will be NO initial certification This will be the ONE and ONLY deadline
EOY 1 Reminders for CCI Remember to flag courses in your student information systems as: Courses taken for college credit CTE Postsecondary Articulated Courses “High quality” (Course Content Code 154) Remember to properly identify students as CTE Pathway Completers Once you certify there will be NO opportunity to correct in the future
Identifing Your “High Quality” CTE Courses Code 154 The 154 course content code is reported at the course level, not the course section level. All courses with the same School of Delivery and CRS-Local Course ID must have identical Course Content Code. Follows CTE Pathway Standards Taught by CTE Credentialed Teacher Code 154 = =
Current EOY 1 CTE Issues CTE Reports 3.14, 3.15 are improperly counting students. Fix will be implemented August 1st – new Snapshot Revision will be generated for all LEAs Known Issue # 4708 Reports 3.14/3.15 are not properly aligning the student course completions (SCSC) to associated State Course Code to CTE Pathway Code before it determines whether a course should be associated with a specific pathway code. As a result, all CTE courses completed by a student are being co-mingled on reports 3.14/3.15
Current EOY 1 Common Errors SCTE records for completer in the AGR and ART Industry Sectors must have a corresponding SCSC record with a CTE Capstone course. CTE pathway codes 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111,112, 113 and 114 Error # Error Name Error Description CERT123 Missing or invalid SCSC record for CTE Completer in Industry Sector ‘ART’ or ‘ART’ No Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for a CTE course or State Course Code is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code in Industry Sector ‘ART’ or ‘AGR’
REMINDERS FOR EOY 3 SELPAs MUST review discipline reports for students with disabilities prior to certification Establish a local review process Provide access to CALPADS reports for SELPA Letter went out to Superintendents in May: CSIS can set up accounts for SELPAs to view reports for all districts in the SELPA (request should be made through a service desk ticket)
Reports for SELPAs to Review
REMINDERS FOR EOY 3 If “Removals to Interim Alternative Setting” > 1 for an LEA, data could be inaccurate – verify with SELPA New fatal error when Removal to Interim Alternative Setting has been populated for a student WITHOUT a disability (no 144 program) Ensure that K-3 students are not being suspended solely for Disruption/Defiance (Code 511) Verify using Report 7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense Exception for “teacher suspensions” for disruption/defiance
EOY 3 Common Discipline Errors Student Discipline records must have the duration days reported. The only exception is if the Disciplinary Action Taken code is 300(No Suspension or Expulsion). The Duration Days can only be zero if the Disciplinary Action Modification Category code is 100 (Enforcement Suspended) or 200 (Shortened). Error # Error Name Error Description SDIS0293 Invalid Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days and Disciplinary Action Modification Category Code Combination If Students were Suspended or Expelled (Incident Disciplinary Action Code <>300), with an Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days = 0, Disciplinary Action Modification Category Code must = 100 (Enforcement Suspended) OR 200 (Shortened)
EOY 3 Common Discipline Errors Error Name Error Description CERT118 Invalid Most Severe Offense Code The Incident Most Severe Offense Code submitted for the Incident does not match any of the Student Offenses for all students within the Incident. All Student Discipline records with the same Incident ID must share the Most Severe Offense code The Most severe Offense Must correspond with at least one offense reported for the incident Single Student Offense Incidents will always have the same Offense code and Most Severe Offense code
Student Absence Summary (STAS) Issues
Who’s In and Out? You MUST submit STAS records for: ALL Students with PRIMARY and SHORT-TERM enrollments Enrolled between 7/1/2016 and 6/30/2017 The STAS Exemption Indicator can be “Y” for the following types of students: Home/Hospital students (majority of instruction) Students enrolled at NPS schools Other students for whom attendance is not taken Students solely taking college courses (no attendance taken) Students attending on non-ADA days Students attending from out-of-state or out-of-country for whom ADA is not reported Warning will be generated. No action required if the student represents a scenario noted above.
Current STAS Issues Late Enrollments Reporting Exempt Students Late enrollments (> 3/1/17) with no exit date may trigger CERT129 errors because the Total Enrollment Days is calculated with a proxy end date of 5/15/17 and will be less than the Expected Days reported in Extract Reporting Exempt Students Students are not automatically exempt, a STAS record must be submitted to exempt a student. Failure to submit a STAS record will result in a CERT128 Home Hospital students should be exempted if they received home hospital instruction the majority of the enrollment.
STAS Certification Validation Errors Certification Rule Name Description Severity CERT128 Missing Absence Summary Data for Student Each student who has an SENR record with an enrollment status of Primary or short-term in grades KN-12, UE, US must have an associated STAS record for the same school and academic year. Fatal CERT129 Expected Attendance Days is greater than Total Enrollment Days A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days** at the same school for the same academic year. ** Total enrollment days based on SENR records
Current STAS Issues Suspension Attendance CERT125 or CERT127 will result when In-School and Out-of-School suspension STAS data are reported for a single SDIS record. SDIS only requires FINAL disciplinary action for the incident, but STAS records absences from ALL disciplinary actions associated with an incident Incidents reported in previous academic year, but the disciplinary action is taken at the start of the new academic year In-School Suspension days are counted as attendance NOT absences on STAS reports
STAS Certification Validation Errors Certification Rule Name Description Severity CERT125 Missing In-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as attending in-school suspension Students who are reported as attending in-school suspensions in the absence summary data must have an associated SDIS data for the same school in the same academic year where the student's disciplinary action taken was In-school suspension Warning CERT127 Missing Out-of-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as absent due to out-of-school suspension Each student who has an SENR record with an enrollment status of Primary or short-term in grades KN-12, UE, US must have an associated STAS record for the same school and academic year.
Common STAS Errors STAS0303 is the most common error. When an exemption is not indicated ALL of the following fields must be populated - Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator - Expected Attendance Days - Days Attended - Days Absent out-of-school suspension - Days in Attendance In-School Suspension - Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension - Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension - Incomplete Independent Study Days
Expected Attendance Days = Common STAS Errors The STAS0318 will trigger when the total count of absences and attendance does not equal the Expected Days. Expected Attendance Days = Days Attended (includes in-school suspension days) + Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension Incomplete Independent Study Days
Other EOY 3 STAS Issues Students with Disabilities Districts of Service should report both enrollment and STAS data for these students, even if the District of Residence claims ADA for the students These students are NOT exempt from STAS reporting
Fall 1 and Fall 2 Updates
SSIDs for Students with Disabilities Special Education Division is now requesting that LEAs obtain SSIDs for preschoolers with plan type 30 (Pending evaluation) Do not submit SPRG record until student is determined “eligible for services” If student is determined to be ineligible, exit student with an N470 (No Show Exit) LEAs should NOT obtain SSIDs for any K-12 students with plan type 30
Change in Teacher Librarian Reporting NEW Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Code added 6027 - Teacher Librarian (non-instructional) Plans and coordinates school library programs with the instructional programs of a school district through collaboration with teachers; selects library materials, develops, delivers library staff development. These teachers do not provide instruction to students in either classroom-based or pull-out or push-in settings.
Change in Teacher Librarian Reporting Can only be used with TEACHER job classifications 12 – Teacher 26 – Non-certificated Charter School Teacher 27 – Pull-Out/Push-In/Itinerant Teacher Does NOT required a course section assignment Refer to CALPADS Flash #129 for more information
New CTE Course Codes for 2017-2018 Have been updated in the Code Sets and Valid Code Combinations v9.0. New codes have a new numerical range (7000-8999) ALL CTE courses must be remapped to the new codes, all 4000-5999 codes are being RETIRED as of 6/30/2017
Direct Certification Reminders Enroll NEW and INCOMING TRANSFER students to ensure they are directly certified as early as possible All LEAs are now receiving students certified for free AND reduced price meals through Medi-Cal
Direct Certification Reminders Some siblings have differing statuses (one M, S, or T and one R) All siblings within the same household can be certified free in the POS if at least ONE of them has been directly certified as free Direct certification status in CALPADS will not change
Where do the data come from??? Performance Indicator Data Source Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 (STAS) Suspension Rate CALPADS EOY 3 (SDIS) English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) CALPADS ODS (cumulative for school year) (SELA) Graduation Rate Indicator CALPADS ODS (SENR) Academic Indicator Smarter Balanced Results (3-8) CALPADS Demographics (SINF) College/Career Indicator (CCI) CALPADS EOY 1 (CRSC, SCSC, SCTE) CALPADS SENR (Seal of Biliteracy, Golden State Seal Diploma) AP, IB Results Smarter Balanced Results (11)
November 2017 Dashboard Data Deadlines Data Certification Year Deadline for updates Chronic Absenteeism 2016-2017 (“status” only) August 25, 2017 Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) ODS data as of 2016-2017
November 2017 Dashboard Deadlines Data Certification Year Deadline for Updates Graduation Rate Indicator 2015-2016 cohort Updates no longer allowed for 2015-16 cohort data. 2018 Dashboard will include 2017-18 certified data. Academic Indicator ODS data as of 2016-2017 August 25, 2017 Career and College Readiness Indicator SENR Data - TBD August 25, 2017 – last date to update 2016-17 data for 2018 Dashboard.
Transition Timeline 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Building the tables Developing the structure Communication Training Development and Implementation 2017-18 2018-19 Change in CASEMIS structure to match CALPADS file specifications 2019-20 Full implementation
CASEMIS TO CALPADS (C2C) UPDATES CASEMIS file layouts will be MODIFIED for 2018-19 to mirror names and code values proposed for C2C In lieu of “pilot” or “beta” test Draft file layouts and code sets have been distributed to special education system vendors
CASEMIS TO CALPADS (C2C) CASEMIS Roadshows 14 roadshows will be announced for Fall statewide Detailed walkthrough of the proposed file specifications for 18-19 Sign up for the CASEMIS to CALPADS listserv for updates
ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements ANNUAL counts of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students compared to counts of non-minority, non-socioeconomically disadvantaged students taught by the following: “Ineffective Teachers” “Out-of-Field” Teachers “Inexperienced Teachers”
Current DRAFT definitions (to be finalized 9/2017) Key Term Definition Ineffective teacher A teacher who is misassigned or teaching without a full credential (emergency permits, provisional permits or waivers). Out-of-field teacher A teacher who has not yet demonstrated subject matter competency in the subject area(s) or for the student population to which he or she is assigned. Under this definition, teachers with the following limited permits would be considered out-of-field: General Education Limited Assignment Permit (GELAP) Special Education Limited Assignment Permit (GELAP) Inexperienced teacher A teacher who has two or fewer years of teaching experience.
ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements CDE will report the following in 2017-2018 (no additional collection requirements for LEAs) Teachers with “Emergency or Provisional Credentials” “Inexperienced Teachers”
Additional Questions?
Overview for NEW CALPADS Administrators