Commissioning in a Fragmented Environment Children’s Joint Commissioning Team Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster
Where to start…… Department of Health NHS England NHS E (Specialist Commissioning) New Born Screening Child Dev. Teams Audiology Transition Clinical Commissioning Groups Department of Education Local Authorities SEN Departments Automous Academies & Schools Further Education Employment & Training
But…drivers for change Clinical Commissioning Groups 2012 Children & Family Act 2014 Future in Mind 2015 Five Year Forward View………
C&F Act SEN ‘D’ Code of Practice Joint commissioning arrangements must cover the services for 0-25 year old children and young people with SEN or disabilities, both with and without EHC plans. Services will include specialist support and therapies, such as clinical treatments and delivery of medications, speech and language therapy, assistive technology, personal care (or access to it), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) support, occupational therapy, habilitation training, physiotherapy, a range of nursing support, specialist equipment, wheelchairs and continence supplies and also emergency provision. They could include highly specialist services needed by only a small number of children
Commissioning landscape New Born Screening – NHS England Paediatric Audiology – CCGs Teachers of the Deaf – LA Special Educ. Needs Child Development Teams - CCGs Speech and Language – LA SEN, Early Years & CCG Adult Health and Social Care Services – Local Authorities, CCGs and in some cases, NHS E (Specialist Commissioning)
A ‘local’ work in progress Education, Health & Care Plans…outcomes Local Offer…. Joint Commissioning Group Commissioning for complex needs Joint Commissioning strategy NW London commissioners…complex needs Health & Well Being Strategies NW London Sustainability & Transformation Plans (STP) Joint strategic Needs Assessment
Speech & Language Review Joint investment Demand: new schools, EHCPs, medical improvements, parental expectations 18 to 25 years VS LA reductions in funding Finite NHS budgets Commissioning cycle: Analyse, Plan, Do & Review Service re-design
ndcs Next steps Consultation vs. Co-Production Parents & Young People Integration……..Transformation Options: LA/SEN/Health, Integrated Family Support, Externalised Services, Integrated Care Partnerships………. ndcs