Belarus: Cadastre Template 2.0 Ph.D. Shavrov S., Filipenko A. WPLA UNECE, November, 24, 2016 Session III Country Report 2016
A. Country Context Geographical Context: The population 9 498 364 citizens. Territory is 207 600 km ². Capital Minsk 1 938 280 peoples Current Political and Administrative Structure Republic of presidential type, 6 regions, 118 areas Land Distribution: State Property 79% of Land Parcels, 98% of area in 2015 Gender situation, owners in register: only men - 45 %, women and men 2 %; only women 53%. Coverage: 2013 - 22,9 %, 2014: 26.4%, 2015: 70,2 %
A. Country Context Historical Outline of Cadastre 2002. the Parliament adopted the Law “About State Registration of Immovable Property, Rights to it and Transactions with them” 2003. Single United Cadastre System have been created 2006. Modern Belarusian cadastral IT-system has been created in full volume. 20O8. DoingBussiness – 9, 2009-2015 - 3. 2016 – 7, 2017 - 5
B. Institutional Framework Government Organizations 1. Specially authorized body of state management of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of state registration, subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus: now State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus; 2. Republican organization for state registration; now National Cadastre Agency 3. 7 Territorial organizations for state registration. 4. 830 Registrars, 2015 5. Self-financing system
B. Institutional Framework Professional Organization or Association There is no professional organization or association for cadastral surveyors. State registrars of immovable property are subjects of certification every five years. Activity of cadastral engineers (land surveyors) is not subject for licensing. There are registers of state registrars and cadastral engineers.
C. Cadastral System Purpose of Cadastral System The cadastral system in Belarus has traditional targets similar to other countries. Types of Cadastral Systems A unified cadastral system is for the whole territory. Data on immovable property and rights to it are concentrated in a single register.
C. Cadastral System Cadastral Concept Objects of immovable property registration are as follows: 1. Real estate: land parcels, buildings, constructions, premises (inhabited and uninhabited), parking places, non-finished objects of construction, enterprises as property complexes. Enterprises as property complexes are created for transactions fulfillment of movable and immovable property simultaneously. 2. Rights on immovable property: ownership, lifelong inherited possession, rights of permanent and temporary land usage, economic maintenance, the operational administration right. 3. Encumbrance of ownership rights: leasehold, mortgage, trust managing, servitude. 4. Restrictions of immovable property usage. 5. Deals with immovable property.
C. Cadastral System Cadastral system is also responsible for administrative and territorial units’ registration. Example of territorial units is a special mode of use zones (national parks, reserves, water security zones, etc.). Cadastral system is also responsible for mass appraisal, registration of mass appraisal results, prices in transactions, addresses, streets and roads names. Organizations on the state registration system are self financed from different sources, including local budgets.
C. Cadastral System Content of Cadastral System State Land Cadastre: 1. United Register of Administrative-territorial and Territorial Units of Belarus; 2. United Register of Immovable Property, rights to it and transactions with them; 3. Register of the Prices to Immovable Property; 4. Register of Cadastre Cost of Land Areas; 5. Register of Land Resources; 6. Address Register. Forest Cadastre Water Cadastre Urban Cadastre Register of State Property
D. Cadastral Mapping Cadastral Map Cadastral map is forming on user demand in digital form. Cadastral map is relevant to the moment of inquiry. The cadastral map is formed by combination of vector digital map or ortophotomap with data of State Land Cadastre Cadastral maps are accessible in Internet from a geoportal Access is free of charge.
Multilevel Geomonitoring based on cadastral maps: Belarus RS-Satellite (BKA) AeroPhoto Multi-sensor UAS Mobile Mapping VGI
D. Cadastral Mapping Role of Cadastral Layer in SDI Cadastre maps are parts of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Cadastral map used as a SDI layer is multilevel corporate municipal GIS. Cadastral map is combined with such SDI layers as «municipal activity», «monitoring of land tenure according to remote sensing», «crowdsoursing», « territorial planning documents», «monitoring of construction activity on urban territory», etc. Access by URL: Cadastral map used as a layer of an SDI in supporting administrative procedures of delivery of permissions to excavation. 1999. Cadastral map used as SDI element in “Land Information System” (LIS) of Belarus. LIS is accessible via geoportal .
E. Reform Issues Cadastral Issues 1. The most important problem is the need to achieve a high data integrity and error correction in cadastre data bases. 2. Another important problem is the need to achieve real time scale of reference in the central data bases. 3. Yet another important problem is to achieve high quality services in the E-Government, including registration on the base of digital documents. 4. One more important problem is to provide high coverage level and high data completeness for good property tax administration.
E. Reform Issues Current Initiatives The transition to real time cadastre and registry of rights; Reduction of registration time for some administrative procedures to up to 1 hour; Automatic registration in certain cases using an expert computer system (few seconds); Coordination with the ISO 19XXX standards, including ISO 19152 "Land Administration Domain Model”; Transition to digital archives; Reduction of operating costs by optimizing the structure; Expansion of the quantity and quality of e-services in "E-government“. Provision of electronic services based on e-documents and authorized intermediary; Mass immovable property formation and registration by using Remote Sensing.
Smart Land Management based on Cadastre State Land Cadastre Municipalities INSPIRE is good Guidline for Belarus sdi Crawdsoursing, C&B G Remote Sensing SDI W (BP) Land Owners Territorial Planning Corporative web-GIS National Cadastre Agency С&B Social Accountability
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