VIA Course Schedule Finish Final Project report by 1/25/2003 CORDIC and RNS (11/30) Multirate SP (I) (12/7) Multirate SP (II) (12/14) Final project proposal deadline (12/14) Low-power CMOS Design (12/21) Mid-term exam (12/28) Final project presentation (1/4~1/18) Finish Final Project report by 1/25/2003 台灣大學 吳安宇 教授
Final Project Schedule: Proposal written report (2~3 pages): Dec. 14, 2001. Your chosen Topic (better based on recent research results within year 2000~2002) that is related to VLSI Signal Processing. Name and Email on cover page Research motivation and goal Problem statement Summary of your approach Expected results (itemized) (Optional) Impact to your ongoing/future working items and/or research works. Reference list Final written report due: Jan. 25, 2003 (Saturday noon) 台灣大學 吳安宇 教授