Lake forest high school counselor advisory committee October 11, 2016 LFHS Library at 5:00pm
Let’s meet our school counselors Mrs. Ivy Truitt/ Dept. Chair -7 years at LFHS, 13 years of experience -Test Coordinator -Last names A-G Mrs. Linda Tjaden -More than 25 years with LFSD -Scholarship Coordinator -Last names H-P Mr. Michael Tyndall -19 years in the LFSD -Master Schedule -Last names Q-Z
LAKE FOREST SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL COUNSELING BELIEF STATEMENT The School Counselors of the Lake Forest School District believe that: All students have the ability to achieve. All students have the potential to be prepared for the use of real world application of knowledge and skills. All students can use various resources to address individual strengths and weaknesses. All students are capable of creating realistic and obtainable goals. All students have a voice and support system for Academic/Social & Emotional/Career Exploration. All students are capable of self-discovery and personal responsibility.
MISSION & VISION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT Our mission as school counselors is to support all students to reach their respective potential. With fidelity, we will provide exposure and support in real world application of knowledge pertaining to individual data driven academic achievements, social/emotional growth and college and career readiness. Narrative – Our mission statement as school counselors for the Lake Forest School District is to provide a comprehensive, developmentally age appropriate and sequential school counseling program that is aligned with the American School Counselor Association national standards for students of all populations. The comprehensive student services program will assist all students in acquiring the skills, common knowledge and attitudes essential to becoming effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learning. This integral program is committed to individual uniqueness, an understanding of multi-cultural diversity and promotes the maximum of human potential. The overall goal is for students to graduate with competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic and responsible decisions by addressing the academic, career and social/emotional needs of all students. The vision of the Lake Forest School District comprehensive school counseling program is to ensure that we articulate and support the district plan to provide a foundation that will enable all students to achieve social/emotional growth in order to meet academic and career expectations conducive to future progress and promotes successful life-long learning. Narrative – The students of Lake Forest School District are high achieving learners who graduate high school and who are college and/or career ready. The students are well prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 21st century. All students participate in rigorous curriculum and high-quality opportunities for self-directed personal growth supported by the comprehensive school counseling program that facilitates strategic partnerships between the school, family and community. As successful life-long learners and productive citizens, our students achieve their fullest potential making a positive difference in our school and community.
Purpose: counselor advisory committee The School Counseling Advisory Committee is made up of parents, teachers, school counselors, administrators and community members to review and make recommendations about school counseling program activities and results. School Counselors inform committee members about their current job tasks and responsibilities. As a group we discuss and recommend how to improve our school counseling program. ASCA- National Standards for School Counselors
Role of a school counselor Professional school counselors are certified/licensed professionals with a masters degree or higher in school counseling. They are uniquely qualified to address the developmental needs of all students. Professional school counselors deliver a comprehensive school counseling program encouraging all students academic, career and personal/social development and helping all students in maximizing student achievement.
Role of a HIGH school counselor High school is the final transition into adulthood and the world of work as students begin separating from parents and exploring and defining their independence. Students are deciding who they are, what they do well and what they will do when they graduate. During these adolescent years, students are evaluating their strengths, skills and abilities. The biggest influence is their peer group. They are searching for a place to belong and rely on peer acceptance and feedback. They face increased pressures regarding risk behaviors involving sex, alcohol and drugs while exploring the boundaries of more acceptable behavior and mature, meaningful relationships. They need guidance in making concrete and compounded decisions. They must deal with academic pressures as they face high-stakes testing, the challenges of college admissions, the scholarship and financial aid application process and entrance into a competitive job market.
School year break down… a nutshell September- November December- February -Accuplacer testing -Scholarship processing -Submitting college applications -Junior Parent night -PSAT 9 & PSAT 10 preparation and administering -Master schedule planning for next school year -incoming Freshmen scheduling night -SSP -Drug and Alcohol Surveys -SAT test registration and Khan Academy presentation -DCAS and AP testing preparation -Enrolling new students -Master Schedule tweaking -Student schedule changes -504 plan coordination -PSAT/NMQST testing preparation and administering -College Application Week -Meeting with seniors about post-secondary plans -ASVAB testing -ACT testing -Parent informational nights -FAFSA Night -credit audits
School year break down… a nutshell March- June GRADUATION!!!!! -scholarships/ Senior Awards Nights -scheduling -state testing (SAT, DCAS) -final transcripts -end of school year reports -AP testing -National College Signing Day! -Walk of Fame
Programs -College Application Week -College Board testing (AP, SAT, PSAT) -Classroom presentations -SSP -ASVAB testing -Senior Awards Nights/Scholarships -Post-Secondary plans -Individual counseling -Personal/Social counseling -Grief counseling -Parent informational nights
Any questions, comments or concerns??? THANK YOU FOR COMING! NEXT MEETING WILL BE APRIL 10TH AT 5:00PM