Try not to use your INB for the following: Para hacer ahora Try not to use your INB for the following: How do you ask someone for his/her age? How do you ask someone when is his/her birthday? Write down the days of the week in order. Write down the months of the year. When done with Bell ringer, get “Los Meses del Año” wordsearch over the yellow table.
Hoy es ________.
Cita de hoy
Unit 1: Empecemos/let’s begin! Unit Goal: Introduce themselves and others and get personal information Topic: Las Estaciones del Año Essential Question: How would you describe the different seasons of the year? Today’s Objective: Demonstrate the ability to recall the seasons of the year.
¿Cuántas estaciones hay en un año? Las estaciones del año La primavera El verano El otoño El invierno ¿Cuántas estaciones hay en un año?
La primavera
El verano
El invierno
El otoño
Más práctica 1. ¿En qué estación es enero? 2. ¿En qué estación es julio? 3. ¿En qué estación es octubre? 4. ¿En qué estación es abril? 5. ¿En qué estación es diciembre?
Actividad Instructions: Draw or cut out from any magazine 4 colorful pictures of the seasons
Unit 1: ¡Empecemos! Let’s Begin! Unit Goal: Students will be able to introduce themselves and others and others and exchange essential personal information in the target language. Topic: El Clima/El Tiempo Essential Question: How would you describe the weather? Today’s Objective: Demonstrate the ability to describe weather.
El Tiempo Cornell notes INB pg. ___ Textbook pgs. 20 - 21
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What is the weather today? Hace buen tiempo. It’s nice weather. Hace calor. It’s hot. Hace fresco. It’s chilly/cool. Hace frío. It’s cold. Hace mal tiempo. It’s bad weather. Hace sol. It’s sunny. Hace viento. It’s windy. Llueve. It’s raining. Nieva. It’s snowy. Está lloviendo. It’s raining right now. Está nevando. It’s snowing right now. Está nublado. It’s cloudy. Hay una tormenta. There’s a storm. Relámpaguea. It’s lightning. Truena. It’s thundering.
Actividad: What’s the Weather Doing? In Spanish, describe the weather condition that best suits the following situations. Example: A great day to work on your tan. Hace sol. 1. It’s time to bundle up and wear your winter coat. 2. Hail the size of golf balls is falling from the sky. 3. It’s kite-flying weather. 4. You’re standing in the shade yet you’re still sweating. 5. The conditions are perfect for snowmen and sledding. 6. It’s good weather for wearing sunglasses. 7. It’s umbrella weather. 8. It’s perfect weather for a trip to the pool!
What’s the Weather Doing? In Spanish, describe the weather condition that best suits the following situations. Example: A great day to work on your tan. Hace sol. 1. It’s time to bundle up and wear your winter coat. Hace frío; Está nevando. 2. Hail the size of golf balls is falling from the sky. Está granizando. 3. It’s kite-flying weather. Hace viento. 4. You’re standing in the shade yet you’re still sweating. Hace calor. 5. The conditions are perfect for snowmen and sledding. Está nevando. 6. It’s good weather for wearing sunglasses. Hace sol. 7. It’s umbrella weather. Está lloviendo. 8. It’s perfect weather for a trip to the pool! Hace calor.
Talking to Yourself Can Be Fun! Write out the following questions and answers in Spanish. Be sure to practice saying each sentence out loud. 1. What is the weather like? It’s cold. 2. What is the weather like? It’s raining. 3. What is the temperature? It’s seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. 4. What is the weather like? It’s windy. 5. What is the temperature? It’s thirty degrees Celsius. 6. What is the weather like? It’s hailing. 7. What is the weather like? It’s snowing! 8. What is the temperature? I don’t know.
Talking to Yourself Can Be Fun! Write out the following questions and answers in Spanish. Be sure to practice saying each sentence out loud. 1. What is the weather like? It’s cold. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace frío. 2. What is the weather like? It’s raining. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Está lloviendo. 3. What is the temperature? It’s seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. ¿Qué temperatura hace? Hace setenta y cinco grados Fahrenheit. 4. What is the weather like? It’s windy. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace viento. 5. What is the temperature? It’s thirty degrees Celsius. ¿Qué temperatura hace? Hace treinta grados centígrados. 6. What is the weather like? It’s hailing. ¿Qué tiempo hace? Está granizando. 7. What is the weather like? It’s snowing! ¿Qué tiempo hace? ¡Está nevando! 8. What is the temperature? I don’t know. ¿Qué temperatura hace? No sé.
Live from the SDTV Weather Center… Instrucciones: For this activity, you’ll become a reporter for the SDTV Weather Center. With a partner, use the list below to prepare a national weather report. Each report should include the weather conditions and the temperature and a visual aid for all of the cities for your weather report. Weather Conditions Across the Country City Conditions Temp (Fº) Boston, MA snow 25º Washington, DC sunny 65º San Francisco, CA windy 60º New Orleans, LA hot 89º Seattle, WA rain 68º Chicago, IL cold 30º Miami, FL hot 95º St. Louis, MO hail 85º Dallas, TX rain 70º * Tip: First, name the city by saying “En (name of the city),” and then describe the weather. For example, you’d say “En Atlanta, hace calor. Hace ochenta y nueve grados Fahrenheit.”
Actividad Instructions: Draw or cut out from any magazine 5 colorful pictures of weather. Write down 2 sentences about your picture expressing weather