Now we have clicked on the Reference Sources link and opened the Browse reference sources A-Z list. Many of these resources contain full- text information on a variety of topics.
Cochrane Library contains high quality , independent evidence for health care decision making. It includes numerous access options including via keyword, MeSH terms and category listings. Cochrane Library is one of 5 sources of information on evidence-based practice in HINARI.
Another useful Reference Sources resource is BMJ Learning Another useful Reference Sources resource is BMJ Learning. This site contains over 500 peer reviewed evidence based learning modules. You are able to browse the modules via a subject based drop down menu. Note: you have to register and create a profile and include your topics of interest – to access the documents.
From the Free Collections drop down menu, you can access other free e-journal gateways and be able to obtain full-text articles. We will examine one of these – Highwire Free to Developing Economies. 4
HighWire Press 3 This is the HighWire Press initial page. From this site, we can locate articles or journal titles or subjects and set up an email alert. The Free Access to Developing Economies link is located on the initial page. Also of interest is the Free full-text content link. There is a link to both pages in the Other Free Collections drop down menu on HINARI’s Full-text Journals, databases and other resources page. As is noted, HighWire Press is unique as you can access it directly. It contains access to many society journals. There also is a link on the ‘Other Free Collections’ drop down menu on the ‘Full-text journals, database and other resources’ page of HINARI. Note: You can access the HighWire Press full text articles since this publisher identifies computer (IP) addresses from eligible countries. This is the ONLY exception to not needing to use your institution’s User Name and Password.
The final Reference Sources resource we will look at is the EndNoteWeb (Thomson Scientific). It is a reference management software package used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. This is invaluable for researchers and post-graduate students.
You now have entered the Free Access to Developing Economies list of HighWire Press. As noted, the access is based on the computer's IP Address and you can go directly to the site using the url.
HighWire Press 4 Within HighWire Press, we have entered the Free Online Full-Text Articles page. Note that some journals are a free site and others have free articles after a set period of time. The HINARI eligible country access is a different mix of titles. Some publishers allow free access to their journal ssues after 6, 12 or 24 months. This slide lists the HIghWire Press publications that are available after these different periods of time.
We have accessed the Current Issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine with the Table of Contents and, for articles, full Text (HTML) and PDF options to specific articles plus an internal keyword search engine. The Annals of Internal Medicine is an example of one of the journals available via HighWire Press. In this slide, you will note that it has a Table of Contents to the current issue and, similar to other journals, you can view the articles as full- text/html or PDF files.
The Free Collection menu includes FreeBooks4Doctors, a website that has links to 365 full-text books on the Internet. This gateway is searchable by keyword, topic or language.
Our final Free Collection resource to view is PubMed Central, a free digital archive of life sciences journals created by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This resource can be searched via a keyword search engine or journal title. Updated 2012 10 For all of these drop down menu, we only have sampled a few of the available resources. As you become familiar with the basics of HINARI and HINARI/PubMed, you should explore the various resources in all these menus.
HINARI – Accessing Articles: Problems and Solutions (Appendix 1)
Full-text Article Access Problems Using the Journals collection A-Z list, we are attempting to access a full-text article from the Blood. Although HINARI users should have access to this journal, we will use this as an example of ‘what could go wrong.’
Access problems can be caused by: failure to properly LOGIN with the institution's User Name/Password technical problems at the Publisher's website 3) or problems with local systems (configuration of user institution’s firewall, configuration of browser) 4) The publisher has not authorized access – mostly for Group B countries Consequently, you may see a message on the Publisher‘ denying access and requesting Sign In or Purchase Short-Term Access. Note: Your HINARI institutional ‘User Name/Password’ will NOT work.
To confirm that you have used the institutional User Name and Password correctly, check that you have the ‘Logged in from’ message. This also is confirmed in the address or URL search box of the web browser. If properly ‘authenticated’, you will see a URL that begins with:…
Institutional Firewall Problems In this situation, a proxy server is blocked by the institution’s firewall. Please check with your computer department to make sure the institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers. The computer system must be able to access HINARI’s proxy server. Insure that you are permitted access to the IP through your institution’s firewall. Otherwise, you will not be able to login properly and access HINARI’s full-text articles.
Journals can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list Journals can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list. To find “The Lancet” click on “L”. NOTE: If you have problems when you are accessing a full-text journal from HINARI/PubMed (not via the links from the principal HINARI page), there is one other step to check. If you are unable to access an article from a journal via the ‘Link Out’ icons in HINARI/PubMed, double check this by going to the title in the Journals collection A-Z list and also verify the years of volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals collection A-Z list, the green box notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Group B although some Group A with exclusions). If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, follow the instructions in the next slide. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title. If the journal has a green box and the issue is included in the ‘years of volumes’, you should have access to the specific full-text article. If you are unable to view the article, the problem probably is something that HINARI must look into and resolve.
This is the example of the screen capture that was attached to the email message for For the JEM article, it noted that This item requires a subscription. The publisher requested that the user Sign in (User Name and Password for individual subscription) or Purchase Short-Term Access. Note: this screen capture includes the URL of the journal. This information is invaluable to the HINARI staff who will try to resolve the access problem. You can create a screen capture by clicking on the Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a word processing document and send as an attachment.
Double check that you have completed the HINARI LOGIN Double check that you have completed the HINARI LOGIN. If this is not the problem, notify HINARI staff ( so that they can communicate with the Publisher and resolve the problem. This example is an email received from a HINARI user in Uganda. Note: make sure you include your institutional User Name, the name of the journal(s) and other details. Also include a screen capture that contains the URL (Internet address) of the journal (seen next slide).
This additional screen capture notes that the journal is listed on the J page of the Journals collection A-Z list, that the requested journal issue is available and that, by the green box, the institution should have access to the journal. If the HINARI authentication system had worked properly, the user would have had access to the journal article. Updated 2012 10
We now will discuss one other potential access problem We now will discuss one other potential access problem. This is in HINARI/PubMed searches. If you use the Abstract format from the Display Setting, the links to full-text articles will be displayed.
PubMed uses the ‘Link Out’ software to access the full text articles PubMed uses the ‘Link Out’ software to access the full text articles. If this does not work properly, you will not have access to the article and be asked enter an individual user name and password or pay a fee. Follow the same procedures listed in the previous slides. At times, an article will not be accessible from HINARI/PubMed but is available from the Journals collection A- Z list. Updated 2012 10
HINARI – Printing, Copying, Saving and Emailing Articles: Problems and Solutions (Appendix 2)
Examples from: Elsevier – Science Direct Nature Publishing HighWire Press We will review how to 'print, copy, save or email articles' by looking at the options from three principal HINARI publishers. These issues can be complicated as they often also are 'Access' problems. Note: If you cannot 'access' a full-text article, see the 'HINARI Access Problems and Solutions' document at:
In the initial example, we have accessed the table of contents page of a current issue of the Lancet via the Elsevier Science – Science Direct website. From this page, you can access PDF files, Email Articles or Download PDFs plus, if you click on the Title, you access the html version of the article that will be 'read' by your Web Browser. Note: in most cases, the HINARI Partner Publishers will have similar options for obtaining a copy of the full-text article.
` We have accessed the HTML/full-text version of the article that is displayed by the Web browser. Also from this page, you can go to the PDF version or the E-mail Article option. The E-mail Article option will include a link to the article but not the full text. You will view messages such as: “If you have a User Name & Password, you may already have access to this article. Please login below' and 'If you do not have a User Name and Password, click the 'Register to Purchase' button below to purchase this article.” (To access the full-text of this article, you will need to LOGIN to HINARI and locate the required issue from the A-Z 'Find journals by title' list.) Note: The HTML version will include the hypertext links to footnotes and other articles and you can copy/paste from this option. The PDF version appears similar to a print copy. Once downloaded, you cannot copy/paste from this option. * I may add that they will need to login HINARI to get the full text
We have accessed the PDF version of the editorial titled Essential medicines pricing-reform needed. There are two useful options for obtaining a copy of this article: 1) Print (click to print this PDF file or pages from it) 2) Save (click to save this article to your computer or another location)
We have clicked on the Print option and, in this case, the commands for a Canon IP1600 printer appear.
We have chosen the Save option We have chosen the Save option. We have been directed to the hard drive of the computer (c:documents/HINARI/). Another option would be to send the file to a flash drive or floppy disk that you have inserted into the computer. In either case, you will be able to save the PDF file and view the article at another time using Adobe Reader software..
We now will view some 'problems' when attempting to obtain a copy of an article plus discuss several options. In Nature, we have accessed an editorial titled 'Science Restored.' You can note the similar functions: 1) Download PDF 2) Send to a friend Reminder – the Send to a friend option will not result in access to the fulltext article.
` We have attempted to access the PDF file and have come up with a blank page. Plus there appear to be no options/button to return to the previous page. What options do we have since we cannot access the PDF file in order to print it?
` We have two ways to return to the article: 1) hold down the ALT key and click on the left arrow key 2) return to HINARI via one of the tabs in Web browser. By displaying the History function, we can see the link to the PDF file (457511b.pdf) and also the HTML/full-text article (Science restored:Article:Nature). Either way, we should be able to return to the article in Nature and 'save' it using the other options.
` We now will look at an article from the HighWire Press American Journal of Epidemiology that is included in the 'Free Access to Developing Economies' list.
We have accessed a recent volume of the American Journal of Epidemiology. Note that there is a FREE Full Text (PDF) option for copying the article. We now will discuss 'emergency' options for WHEN the PDF file cannot be opened and copied.
One of the options is to create a screen capture of the text from what is displayed by the Web browser. This example has been transferred to a MS Word document. To obtain the complete article, you will need to make a number of screen captures. Also the blue hypertext links will not function. You can create a screen capture by clicking on the Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a Word Processing document or NotePad and save the file on your computer or flash drive.
In this final 'emergency' option starting from what is displayed by the Web browser, we have highlighted (click left mouse cursor and, to include the text, drag the mouse over the document). The material will become highlighted in blue and can be copied (edit/copy or control/c). Again, you will have to repeat the process several times. This method can result in extra material being copied .
To save the highlighted material, again paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a Word Processing or NotePad file and save the document to your computer or flash drive. Remember that these two 'copying emergencies' methods are used when the publisher's options (save, print or email) are not available. Reminder - If you cannot 'access' a full-text article, see the 'Access Problems and Solutions' document at: Updated: 2009 11