Getting an account with Open your web browser ( mozilla firefox, internet explorer, opera, etc.,)
Getting an account with In the address bar of your web browser, type: then press the enter key.
Getting an account with In the homepage, click Sign up now button.
Getting an account with Fill up the form leaving no blank fields.
Getting an account with After filling out the form, click the Sign up button found at the bottom to submit it.
Getting an account with Check the activation message from in your mailbox
Getting an account with Click the provided link to activate your account
Getting an account with This will be the page look after activating your account. Click Login.
Getting an account with Sign in with your username and password.
Exploring your Dashboard When you’re signed in, you’ll see a tab at the top of your page which says “My Blog”. This allows you to quickly access your dashboard.
Exploring your Dashboard
Description/Use of Dashboard Referred to as the “back end” of your blog or site. Behind-the-scenes control panel which stores all settings and information. Used to modify or update sites/blogs.
Exploring your Dashboard If the dashboard is the back end, the front end is what the world sees. To access the front end, click the title at the left side of the dashboard.
Exploring your Dashboard The picture below is a screen shot of the front end or the actual view of the site/blog.
Exploring your Dashboard The left-hand navigation menus are a way to access almost all the powers of your blog/site. You can open any left-hand menu by hovering over the text, and then clicking on the arrow that appears.
Exploring the WordPress Toolbar Your other menu is the toolbar across of your blog/site. You can access fewer tools with this toolbar than you can with your left-hand menu. The idea is just to put some essentials up there for secondary access to your administrative site.
Changing your general settings Open up the settings menu, click General and you’ll be taken right there.
Changing your general settings You can now adjust your blog/site to your liking. You can also add a tagline here which will appear under your title usually at the top of your site.
Changing your general settings You can also change your timezone, email address, date and time settings , and language settings here. Don’t forget to save changes.
Changing your general settings It is also possible to upload an image to represent your site/blog when it appears in various places in
Changing your general settings Once you’ve found the image you want, choose upload image. You can always change this image later. Once uploaded you can crop the picture according to your desired size.
Changing your general settings Once it’s Uploaded, it will look like this in the General settings:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Check out the Theme Showcase by typing in the browser address bar:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Browse themes from A-Z:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Choose a theme for your site:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Click activate to apply the theme in your site:
Using WordPress to Create a Website View the theme in your site by clicking the site title at the upper left side of the screen:
Using WordPress to Create a Website This is now the front end view of your site after activating the theme.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Apply a custom header to your site by clicking the header link under Appearance Menu:
Using WordPress to Create a Website In the Custom Header page, click Browse.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Crop the image for your header by clicking the Crop and Publish button.
Using WordPress to Create a Website After cropping the image, click upload, then save changes.
Using WordPress to Create a Website This is now the new look of your page:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: Click Pages->Add New in your Dashboard.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: This is the add new page view:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: Title this page “Home”
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: You can type the content you want displayed on the front page of your blog or upload an image.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: Click Publish:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Create a Static Homepage: Create another page, title it “Posts” then publish it.In the settings menu, click readings, then follow the settings as shown. Save changes.
Using WordPress to Create a Website This screen shot shows the home as the static homepage.
Using WordPress to Create a Website After creating a static page you may have created two home pages. You can delete one by editing the page and setting another page as the Parent in the Attributes module.
Using WordPress to Create a Website The Page Attributes module allows you to set page parents and templates, and to change the order of your pages.
Using WordPress to Create a Website It can be found to the right of each page editor, under the Publish module.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Add more Pages Using the Pages Menu:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Creating a Custom Menu. To create a custom menu, go to Appearance -> Menus in your blog’s dashboard.. To create a custom navigation menu, type in a name for it (only you will see this) and click Create Menu.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Creating a Custom Menu. To create a custom navigation menu, type in a name for it (only you will see this) and click Create Menu.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Creating a Custom Menu. Adding pages to your menu is as simple as checking the proper boxes for the pages you want and then clicking Add to Menu.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Creating a Custom Menu. Want a menu tab to link directly to another website? No problem! Type in the URL, the label name, and then Add to Menu.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Changing the arrangement of your menu. You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. For example, you could have an “About” page that has “Organization” page under it. Under “Organization ” you might have another pages titled “History”, Mission and Vision, etc.
Using WordPress to Create a Website Changing the Order of Menu Items and Creating Sub-Menus: Drag and drop the items up and down to change the order of menu items. Drag and drop the items left and right (as shown on the next slide) to create sub-menu items.
Using WordPress to Create a Website
Using WordPress to Create a Website Add Widgets and Other Goodies from the Appearance Menu
Using WordPress to Create a Website Adding Media Files could be done in the Edit Page view:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Creating Links:
Using WordPress to Create a Website Thank You The VGA-IT