Welcome Back To School!!!! Mrs. Castaldo Ms. Blank Ms. Smith Ms. Vougiatzis Ms. Maiorino Ms. Delaney 6th Grade 2016-2017
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. ~Chinese Proverb~
Student Expectations See the 6th grade contract that was sent home the first week of school If one of these rules is broken a student will receive a warning and will lose a privilege. If a student continues to break a rule they will be asked to spend lunch at the detention table. A letter/email will be sent home to their parents/guardians. The EVG Student Discipline Plan is in the Student Handbook. It can be found on the school website under the “For Parents” tab. The website is http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Page/1007. We follow the Progressive Discipline Model.
Homework Check online homework board at www. edgewaterschools Homework Check online homework board at www.edgewaterschools.org for daily assignments. Homework must be completed each and every night. Each homework assignment has an impact on a student’s overall grade. As explained in the 6th grade contract, homework handed in late will receive partial credit, or no credit. Please make checking the Homework pages on the school website a habit. You will find important information to help your child succeed academically. Long term projects will be given ample time to complete. A rubric and direction sheet will always be given for each project. Students should always check their project against the rubric to ensure that all requirements have been met. A flash drive is an extremely helpful tool for long term projects. Notifications of missed homework will be sent home if an issue arises.
Classroom Pages http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/175 Mrs. Castaldo http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/71 Ms. Blank http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/230 Mrs. Vougiatzis http://www.edgewaterschools.org//Domain/151 Mrs. Smith http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/175
Classroom Pages Ms. Maiorino http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/76 Mrs. Delaney http://www.edgewaterschools.org/Domain/64
Homework Planners Please check your child’s Homework Planner every night. This is where homework and classroom announcements will be written. Help them check to make sure all their homework is completed by checking off each assignment as it is done. This is important to ensure a smooth and organized transition into middle school next year.
Important Information Students should have a Travel Folder that goes home each night. Please check this folder daily for important homework worksheets, as well as flyers from the office and the PTO. Spanish Marking Period grade is used for High Honors and Honor Roll consideration. Leonia Middle School Preparation: 2 Book Chats, Orientation, Exchange Day, EVG/LMS Picnic, lockers at EVG. There is no snack break in 6th grade. Chromebooks and Google Classroom
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Social Studies Interactive Notebook How we become Historians Geography and Social Scientists Defining Culture and Pre-History Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Please sign up for LearnBoost and Remind
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Interactive Science Textbook Series Google Classroom, BrainPOP Science Practices: Year-long study leading to our Annual Science Fair Earth Science: Earth’s Structure Water and the Atmosphere Ecology and the Environment
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Math (Go Math! Common Core Edition) Online Homework Help, Parent Resources and Web extras available. Algebraic Reasoning Integers and Fractions Decimals and Percents Geometry Statistics & Probability
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Reading Workshop Using a Reader’s Notebook Comprehension Strategies Active Reading Strategies Story Elements Reading Response Strategies Independent Reading Book Chats/Clubs Novel Studies Nonfiction Studies
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Writing Workshop Using a Writer’s Notebook Narrative Writing Research Writing Argument Writing Fantasy Writing Responses to Literature Writing Across the Curriculum
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Remedial Math and Language Arts Small group instruction focused on building Math and Language Arts skills Students are pulled out of Spanish class twice a week per subject: Language Arts meets 4th period while Math meets 6th period Progress Reports are sent home 2nd and 4th Marking Periods with Report Cards
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Study Skills Small group instruction focusing on: Improving organizational skills Developing time management skills for long term projects/assignments/tests Strengthening study habits and note taking Clarification of lessons in core subject areas On an as needed basis Students are pulled out of Spanish Class taught by Ms. Maiorino
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Tech Literacy Keyboarding Digital Safety Internet Research and Databases Intro to Microsoft Office
6th Grade Curriculum Overview Health/Family Life Health & Wellness Coping with Conflict & Stress Growth & Development Relationship Skills
Parent Teacher Conferences November 16th & 17th Sign ups for individual teachers will be available online via Sign-up Genius on a first come first serve basis. An email with information will be sent out in the near future.
Thank you for attending Back to School Night! Please join us on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:00pm for our Sixth Grade Parent Meeting at EVG School – auditorium.