6th & 7th Grade Math Ms. Lisa Ambro Graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies, math minor Taught 5th grade Math in Pasadena, 6th grade Math & Science in Richardson, 8th grade Math in Rockwall This is my 12th year teaching math at Rogers.
Homework Math is a subject in which homework is essential for knowledge retention. Expect your child to have homework every night. You are more than welcome to ask your child everyday to see his/her Math assignment.
Mini-Quizzes Mini-quizzes will be given over homework assignments. We will check/go over the homework in class the day it is due, then take a mini-quiz. Students may use the homework to take the mini-quiz and it will be turned in together. The questions on the mini-quiz come from the homework. The homework will count as 20% of the mini-quiz grade. A full 20% will be given if the homework is completed (right or wrong) with ALL work shown.
Builders Builders are handed out every Monday and are due the Monday of the following week. This is homework, but students may have time during school to work on it. Only the FRONT side (odd number) is REQUIRED to complete. The BACK (even number) is EXTRA CREDIT.
Tutoring Tutoring is available Tuesday through Friday mornings at 8:00 a.m. There is a Math teacher assigned for each day of the week. Your child may obtain a pass, the morning of, in the cafeteria. Your child should go to the assigned teacher of that day, listed on the back of the pass, with something to work on.
My Website http://www.pearlandisd.org/Domain/1570 Contains a wealth of information, including a calendar through Edmodo.